[Heroes] 2x08: Four Months Ago

Nov 14, 2007 19:07

I has issues (and/or joking criticisms), let me show you them:

» D.L.’s death was cheap. (Assuming we don’t get some later assignation of purpose to it.) Having pondered it for two days, that’s the only word I can come up with. I’m rather in a snit about it, much the same way I was over Simone’s. And Niki just suddenly pulling another personality out, like she’s some kind of vending machine of identities? ARGH. The only way they could make that work for me is if it’s revealed later that Bob somehow caused that personality to manifest with the pills he was giving her. Jessica made sense to me, and I loved the way she was revealed and how as we learned more about her we learned about Niki. But a random jaunt to L.A. one summer, um, no. Lame. And I liked Jessica a helluva a lot better, too. She cared about their family, albeit in a rather destructive way, whereas all Gina cares about is dancing with ugly ass greasy-haired guy in a clubs? I repeat: LAME.

» Not only does Peter have the power to instantly regenerate after an explosion, BUT SO DO HIS CLOTHES. No, for real, you guys. The fabric is saturated with his powers now. His shirt actually cries every time he takes it off. (Unlike that other sound you hear, which is two million fangirls suddenly stepping closing to their TVs, and five billion salivary glands activating all at once.) And the Company doesn’t believe in monitoring cells ever since that time they caught Thompson doing inappropriate things with the tapes. TRUFAX.

» Peter’s plotline at the end also felt a little tacked on/like it didn’t blend in quite smoothly to where we started the season. Could have been done a bit more smoothly, I think.

» Reading the graphic novels has really made me sick of the “mass murder/terrible violence as an introduction to powers” as a plot device. Okay, yes, with Maya’s power it’s a given that she has to kill someone, or a few someones, but did it have to be her brother’s wedding? And, yes, okay, I get that they wanted something serious enough to make her run away, but, still. Between the Haitian, Eden, Isaac-and, for that matter, wasn’t Candice’s also somewhat violent?-and now Elle and Maya, a person could start getting a complex.

I has incestuous subtext I can no longer ignore, let me show you it:

» Maya and Alejandro, man. Maya and freaking Alejandro. Twincest really just does it for me, and these two, I mean. *large arm motions of inarticulateness* I tried to work up some indignation that their plotline didn’t reveal much that was new (although I hadn’t realized before that they had been on their own pre-power manifestation), but I was so busy being happy to see them dancing and looking pretty and Maya just being SO BLATANTLY JEALOUS that it never really happened. And, okay, how much do I want a naughty church scene smutfic? HOW MUCH? The telenovela aspect of Maya’s storyline was worth it just to see her in that outfit, jesusgodsodirtywronghot. The only thing that could make me like these two more would be the liberal insertion of Mohinder right between them. MMMMMMMMYEAH YOU KNOW THAT’D BE HOT.

» Peter and Nathan. Most important to him in the world? Really? I mean, really? Petrellicest in a lot of cases doesn’t float my boat, but, just. Goddamn. That was so damn canon I almost fell off my couch. Peter looks at their wedding picture and suddenly remembers everything about how he turned himself into the Company because he was feeling guilty he hurt the most important thing in the world to him. Give us the honeymoon now, please. We’ve been patient and they’ve angsted enough, and they really, really do want to explode our screens with the sheer magnificence of their reunion.

I also has SQUEEEEEEE and LAFFS:

» Adam/Peter.


Or maybe that was just me.

It’s my working theory that Adam has spent the past four hundred years MARINATING IN GAY. Honestly, he pretty much gets gayer every second he’s on-screen. Pining for plotting revenge against Hiro can do that to a guy, I suppose.

And Adam and Peter are pretty much in launching position when Adam puts his hand on Peter’s shoulder right before they phase through the second wall. A clever manip and hot prison sex, here we come!

» Angela/Heidi.

I have a soft spot for any femmeslash pairing that involves Heidi, and any femmeslash pairing that involves Angela. Combine them? Happy fangirl. Happy, happy fangirl. And apparently it’s been clarified that Angela wasn’t using her power, that she was just being Petrelli-brand-awesome-dysfunctional? WIN. FINALLY, SOME GOOD GIRLTEXT. Angela also just rocked this whole episode, because she tends to do that.

» Sanders-Hawkins

Pure adorableness. D.L. being a firefighter, though random, was great. If they had to shrink down that part of his storyline to fit in one episode (which I’m hoping the reason this arc was so abrupt), well, that works for me. He used his powers to rescue someone. ♥ And Micah wanting to be a team of superheroes, bwah. *draws hearts all around the family*

» Haitian kicking ass.


Also, Peter’s shirt bursting into flames to satisfy the demands of ravening fangirls = heee-larious. There’ve gotta be at least ten macros made already with the caption I HAS A FLAMING SHIRT already out there, right?

» Elle.

She’s not quite squee-worthy for me yet, and I have a couple eyebrow raises at some of the ways she’s used (and in this case, used is exactly the right word, *sigh*), but I find I’m very inclined to like her. I think it was the “just out to get me because I threatened to kill them” line that clinched it for me. And I find non-socialized characters incredibly endearing as a general rule.

» Maya.

I can never talk enough about how much I love Maya. ♥

It’s not next Monday yet? No?


=heroes, review: television, review, =heroes: reviews etc., =heroes: reviews etc.: s2

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