Luke/Noah friending meme.
Self plagiarism party (also:
my entries), because crack is part of a healthy diet.
This House/Wilson clip almost makes me wish I made it past S2 of House.
Symbols and punctuation on a taglist, if you’ve ever been curious about what order they appear in.
I mostly conquered my inbox today, w00t. That made me feel very accomplished. Except for the fact that I have zero eloquence in me at the moment, so sorry if the comment replies you got from me were excessively, “Hi, here’s an uninteresting comment response that could have been written by a robot!” Then again, I probably stress too much about trying to make my comments interesting. *g*
I got my
rare_heroes SeSa prompt and I am tres excited to write it. It also gives me a fantastic excuse (like I really need one) to re-watch the first season. My Claude/Bennet prompt is a bit more of a challenge, but ’tis good to stretch as a writer, no?
I think I also forgot to mention that
xmmficathon went swimmingly. I received a lovely Callisto/Ororo story from
lilacsigil called
Nothing But Blue Skies and wrote
But Skin Deep, Rogue/Ms. Marvel, post X-3. The
masterlist is here, and I’d highly recommend checking it out; lots of great stories! My recs from what I was able to read are
And those hypothetical communities I mentioned re-organizing were
world_turns (
ta da!) and
nukelover (
ta da!). I ended up not even using master tags because I remembered that you can list multiple tags on LiveJournal, so I just created links on the sidebar where I listed “fanfic,fanmix,fanvid” and “graphics,video” all in one link. Nice.
Then I
rambled a bit too much about tagging at
mytwoheroes (and am linking that comment to remind myself to make it into a real meta post someday *g*).
Dear self: Do not create a Heroes femmeslash community. Do. not. You are fully aware of how over committed you are, dammit. You are.
And I would like to take a moment to give a big hug to everyone who needs it, especially anyone hands-on or peripherally involved in all anti-Semitic badness that’s been happening. I’m so glad that everyone on my friends-list has been so respectful throughout this whole thing. Thank you all for limiting the amount that my brain has wanted to explode.