Haikuathon business

Aug 26, 2007 12:34

It’s been suggested that I move the small fandom haikuathon to a community instead of hosting it at my journal.

I’ve hosted it here because a) I didn’t quite expect it to take off, and b) there’s a certain level of privilege that comes with hosting something at a journal vs. running a community, i.e. I like being a dictator and you never know when those pesky community members will decide to stage a revolt and usurp moderatorship (kidding, but seriously-modding a community has always seemed more daunting to me than hosting something en mi casa). I was initially resistant to the idea of moving it because, ahhh!, everything needs to be in a central location! and how do you move posts like that? Ain’t gonna happen.

But, upon further consideration, I realized that if I were to do some larger fandom haikuathon hosting, it might be better to have an actual community. (In between Small Fandom Rounds, I was thinking of doing an SGA, Doctor Who-verse, or SPN one.)

Of course, since the opinions of my flist (and/or random internet passers-by who happen to see this post) are most important to me, a poll:

Poll To relocate or not to relocate?

If it makes any difference, if I did make a community, in all likelihood, I’d continue posting reminders here like I do for remixthedrabble.

[ETA] While searching for haiku communities, I haplessly stumbled upon mcgriddlefanfic.

...I have no words.

Edited to add, again: Future rounds will be hosted at haikuathon! Join/watch the community for updates. Also, I’m in the market for co-mods, so if you’d be willing, do drop a comment or contact me via e-mail trascendenza[at]livejournal[dot]com.

(haikuathon), [wtf], content: poll

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