Just five things, today. Ha.

Jul 19, 2007 16:56

» First up: Well, since I finally sent out assignments, now maybe it’s time to share my thoughts on the lightning round.

Once again, I had buckets of fun writing the remixes.

Firefly: Is That So? (Process of Elimination Remix)
This was the most challenging one, because I was paring down from a longer story, and deciding what to keep and what not to keep was hard. And even though after round 1 I wanted to challenge myself to try changing POVs for the next set of remixes... I didn’t. I’m not sure what that’s so counter-intuitive for me. But, yeah, I couldn’t cover the same scope as the original-I loved how sophinisba had Jayne and Simon interacting together at the end of her piece, but I couldn’t a way to fit that didn’t feel rushed/awkward. And then I was just short of 200 words, so I added in Book’s bit, and that gave me a nice funky subtitle, so rock on, Book. Basically, for 200 words I’m pretty happy with it.

Threshold: Verge (Dying Declarations Remix)
Hahahaha. It’s almost silly to call this a remix because the original is a haiku, so most of this I was just extrapolating. And all the words that I kept from the original appear in about the second sentence. *g* But I’m sure dreams_power didn’t mind giving me an excuse to write these two. And, oh, man, this got *so* schmoopy at the end, but I couldn’t help myself. I’m such a freaking schmoop when it comes to Lucas/Nigel, it isn’t even funny.

Cold Case: Dance (Jazz-Kissed Moonshine Remix)
Aaaaah, this was fun to write. Again, I was taking a shorter original and adding my own expansion to it, so I got to play with this thematically and I got to write poetry. Honestly, what could be better than that? And one could argue that I almost changed POV... because the original was omniscient (well, as far as I can tell), and mine is from Billie’s... yeah, that’s still a stretch. The only thing I wasn’t totally confident about was whether Billie’s poetry matched up with the poetry she read in the episode; been too long since I’ve seen it and I didn’t have a chance to re-watch it. But hopefully it worked, anyway.

» Second up: I’ve been bookmarking recs like a crazy reccing thing. Particularly fanhaiku. Not hard to see why I ran a haikuathon, is it? Haha. Sorry if I flooded anyone’s inbox! Del.icio.us just makes it way too easy to catch up all at once.

» Third up: fandom_bound is one of the coolest ideas I’ve seen in a long time. I, like a mad fan-happy fool, signed up to do all four journals currently in circulation (slash, het, gen, and threesome). The idea is that, basically, fans send around journals and put art/fic/etc. into them, and then mail them on, and so on, until the journal’s filled up. How cool is that? There’s something really awesome about the tangibility of creating a journal, I think, a little fannish time capsule.

» Fourth up: I’m happy because I’ve been slowly but surely chipping away at my to do list. For instance, I just finished assembling the BBM Comment Ficathon master list, and I’ve managed to cross off two things from there today. Whee! I really do just love tangible results. *pets shiny strike tags*

» Fifth up: Oh.my.god. Today, I tried to eat a mango, but it was too ripe and I couldn’t finish it. ;_; Travesty! I think I need to write some happy fruit porn to cheer myself up. Or if one of you is feeling especially generous, you could write a little snippet for me... ;)

-recs, theme: damn sexy fruit, (remixthedrabble), thinky, on writing, -linkination

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