DS9 4x01 - 4x08

Feb 02, 2007 18:19

Various thoughts jotted down about DS9 as I watch.

Season 4, episodes 1-4

So I think that tinheart was right when she told me that you put anyone next to Bashir and they’re instantly gay. Because it’s so freaking true. Any character + British accent + blue uniform + a dash of all-around Siddig hotness = instant gay.

And this is why I don’t like ensemble cast. I do, in fact, as one of my icons states, ‘ship EVERYONE.

Witness the big crazy list of DS9 characters of ‘ships that I like (this doesn’t include where I see the potential for one, either, because that would be like... 5,000 possible combinations):

Bashir/Goran’Agar (The Jem ‘Hadar)
Bashir/Sisko if I squint
Bashir/Odo just because
Odo/Kira yay!
Odo/Garak like whoa
Odo/Worf (theirloveissoangry)
Odo/Quark (theirloveissosnarky)
Garak/Tain (well, younger Tain. I don’t really go for older sweatervest-wearing Tain.)
Jake/Nog (so cute!)
Garak/Dukat (enemies have hot sex, c’mon)
Dukat/Kira (yeah, it’s so wrong, that’s the appeal)
Quark/Pel (I think that’s her name? The female male-posing Ferengi)

I forgot some. I know it. And I’m not even going to get into the mirror universe people. Because, Christ. So.many.possibilities.

Also, it was strange to transition from S3 to S4. It seems like everything got so much shinier and louder all of a sudden (except Kira’s hair, which is just as odd as ever). And even though I knew Worf showed up at some point I’d forgotten when it was.

The Visitor was so freaking sad. Oh, Jakey. :’( The ending was just a bit too neat... what about all the repercussions that Sisko was going to go through after that? That would leave me pretty dang traumatized.

Anyway. This show is just as addictive as I remember it being, and unfortunately, looking at it through slash-colored glasses has a bajillion plot bunnies in my head. *stomps them down* I’m amazed more people don’t write for this fandom. o.O

S4, E5: Indiscretion

Wow. If I wasn’t ‘shipping Kira/Dukat wholeheartedly before, I so am now. I mean, with just a few little twists in their conversation on the runabout... they could have been well on their way to some more personal topics. I can’t help but wonder what they would have talked about if Kira hadn’t told him to shut up.

And I’d completely forgotten about Ziyal. First off, she’s totally cute, and second off-eeeee! Half-Bajoran Half-Cardassian! There’s just something so cool about that. And the fact that Dukat is her father really just lends credence to my Dukat/Kira ‘shipping. As I’m sure Odo can attest to, once you go Bajoran you don’t go back. *snerk*

I really liked how this episode gave more depth to his character. He was starting to feel awfully two-dimensional after awhile and this was a nice change of pace. Plus, the scene in the cave? So could have gone another way, what with needing to heal a wound on his ASS and all.

S4, E6: Rejoined


I remembered that had been some subtextual queerness on this show, BUT HOLY WOW THAT KISS. I think when I get around to buying the box set for S4 I’m going to wear down that part of the DVD, because-did I mention?-OH THE HOTNESS. I’ve always thought of Jadzia as pretty, but never anything too special, but this episode managed to change my mind. I’ve always loved her eyes (there are SO many blue-eyed people on this show), but just the way she kept looking at Lenara... guh. So much guh. And the moments of build-up where they’re tentatively touching and those tense glances? Mmmmmmm. I really thought for sure they wouldn’t kiss and almost fell off the fucking couch when I did. This is the joy of having a horrible memory and re-watching something you already love. Oh so many hidden gems.

Plus, Lenara’s gorgeous. And that never hurts anything. And I’ll admit it-I’m just like everything other panting 13-year-old fanboy. I have a thing for the spots, and well, you really can’t go wrong doubling the spots, now can you?

Oh, and The Bashir Effect? Still totally in effect. At the beginning of the episode when Quark and Julian were watching Jadzia do the magic tricks I started to think, Hmmmm, maybe.... Is there nothing that man can’t make gay?

But basically this episode is made of win and I am now a total Jadzia/Lenara ‘shipper. (Like I needed another one, ye gods.) It also gives me a good premise to use for my Jadzia/Kira/Bashir threesome-triangley story for the Femme Fuhq Fest.

S4, E7: Starship Down

Okay. So. This show needs to stop planting little ‘ship seeds in my head like... now.

When this episode started I thought for sure I couldn’t get any new ones. Action and shooting and things blowing up... no such luck for me. Instead I get Kira bonding with Sisko, Worf bonding with O’Brien, Jadzia and Julian snuggling up for body heat. GIVE ME A BREAK PEOPLE. Do the writers of this show have any concept of how easy they make it to slightly AU these episodes for porn? Because I’m starting to think it’s a game they play just for fun.

I can just imagine it now:

“How many porn-bunnies can we stick in this episode, guys?”
“Oh, I know, let’s cram Odo and Garak into an interrogation room unsupervised. Where the guards won’t investigate any strange noises.”
“Good idea, Garak’s gay will totally rub off on Odo.”

“Miles tells Julian that he wishes Keiko were more like her.”
“Isn’t that a little too blatant? We don’t want to hit the audience over the head with the giant slash phallus of obviousness, do we?”
“Okay, he can just say that he wishes Keiko were more like a man.”

“Oh-Jadzia and Julian forced to get naked for body heat.”
“That’s the oldest trick in the book.”
“But it’s Bashir, the fangirls won’t mind as long as he talks in that panty-lighting accent of his.”
“Queue it up.”

“Kira and Jadzia in a holosuite. Jadzia offers to ‘teach’ Kira how to relax.”
“Wow. This isn’t even really subtext anymore, is it?”

*bangs head helplessly on desk*

S4, E8: Little Green Men

Hahahahaha. This episode was just fun. I just love the Jake/Nog friendship. “There’s no one I’d rather spend my time doing nothing with.” D’awwwww! So cute. And Worf buying the Ferengi tooth sharpener was so wrong, yet so funny.

And of course, who can forget the Odo/Quark subtext? Because I can’t no matter how much I pretend that I actually care about the plot. Odo leaping up on Quark when he’s a dog? Quark calling Odo his hero? Yeah... that’s cute.

I also love how it’s always soooooo easy to reverse space-time-continuum anamolies by just re-creating the same one. Shit, if that’s how the world worked, than everytime I broke my computer I’d just have to re-create the circumstances in which I broke it and it’d be fixed. Or you know, I could just unburn my toast in the morning by mixing a few photon particles with subspace juice, add a dash of quantum fluctuations and I’d be all good to go.

Deep Space Nine, 6x01-6x04 (2007-07)

So, erm, I usually don’t like when TV shows have wars in them, and this isn’t too much of an exception. I miss the station hijinks. Not that I don’t like Defiant hijinks, but... I miss the whole crew being together.

My Nerys/Ziyal obsession is only getting worse. I mean, what with her all but telling Nerys that the only two people that she has are Nerys and her father? Heeee. And I’m sad Nerys didn’t at least try on the dress Dukat sent her, because he may be a creepy fucker, but it would have looked awfully nice (and made for some tasty screencaps). I also love artist!Ziyal. I like that they’re finally fleshing her out beyond “I have a crush on Garak and I piss my father off.” And her art was pretty, too.

Garak and Julian are as gay and married as they ever are. But the exposition in the first episode was a little painful; if Garak had said the phrase “genetically engineered” one more time, I would have beaned him myself. BUT OH YUM SIDDIG ARMS. Guh. That man never stops being sexy beyond all belief. I was so sad that the shots of them changing in the caves where he’s ALL BUT NAKED were too dark to get a good look at him. (Digital editing, ahoy!)

Odo and his Changeling lady friend=totally creepy. In fact, there seems to be a lot of creepiness. Like, I enjoyed the Nerys/Dukat dynamic in the episode where they’re rescuing Ziyal, but now? He’s just acting off his rocker. And I was so hopeful that they might keep up developing Cardassians after that previous episode. *sigh*

Also, I love Nog. Nog is just so adorable. Although reporter!Jake is a little... annoying. He would have been better off helping keep Nog’s bunk warm. *g* Damar amuses me. Weyoun’s eyes continually freak me out.

I was totally slashing Sisko and the Jem ’Hadar number three (not even going to try and spell his name). Sisko is just fun in general, really. I ♥ his hand gestures.

I still don’t really remember what’s coming up in the seventh season, which surprises me. Maybe I missed big chunks of it while on the air? Hmmm.

review: television, review, =star trek, =star trek: deep space nine

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