I'm racist when it comes to widows.

May 20, 2005 17:01

Alright. What's happening? Has anyone wondered? No? Didn't think so. Well, I'll tell anyway.

English Hills/Legacy at Mayland is only a memory now. Except for the fact that I live here for about another week-ish. Thank heavens to Betsy. I'm sure if I look back at my journals a year ago, I will wonder why I went back to Copper Spring. However, the evidence is so clear to me right now. Bottom line is that Roger is a working supervisor, while Vince is the laziest son of a bitch that has ever walked the planet. Mike brings home the silver in that event. Although Mike didn't work either, I still liked him, because when I was doing something, and another thing needed to be done as well, he would go do it, rather than make me pull off whatever I was doing to go do it. (That sentece took up three lines, run-on what?)

My first week back at "The Spring" was relatively a breeze. I actually had energy when I got home! That was practically unheard of at "The Hills."

I can't wait to move back over there, although this time around, I will be going humanly solo. McKenzie is, of course, included in the move.

Things that don't involve work:
Star Wars: Episode III - kicked major fucking ass and I'm going to see it again.
Bonnaroo - less than a month away and I'm so damn excited.
Seattle Mariners - if they didn't have a stadium, I would think they didn't exist.

Alright kids, that's it for now. Tune in next time when I talk about whatever the hell I want!

Trappo Out.
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