Apr 05, 2005 14:03
46% vs. 18% 18% 18%. Trae vs. Rick, Ricky, Vince. Of all the work orders completed since March 1, 2005, I have completed 46% of them, which leaves %54 split up three ways. Granted, Rick has done the second-most. I completed a grand total of 126 worl orders, Rick did about 82, Ricky did 50-something, and Vince did about 3 or 4. This seems fair. Vince's excuse for this drastic difference was because I need more experience. This could be true. They have all been in the trade longer than I have. If I have any questions, they can help me out 9.99999 out of 10 times. But that's no excuse. How about giving me a hand so I don't have to do anything, and then when something comes along that I might need help on, sure, give me a hand. But to hand me a work order whenever one comes in, and let the other two sit around and smoke cigarettes or nothing at all, is a little unfair don't you think?
So per Jan's (property manager) recommendation, I took the rest of the day off after lunch. This was after I had a talk with Jan voicing my concerns, and she had a talk with Vince, and then all three of us sat down and talked. I really don't think anything will change as a result of this. But I'll give it a try. I might even take tomorrow off for personal reasons. I'm just way too stressed out over my damn job, and it's a job where I shouldn't have to be stressed. I'm 28 years old, and do not need an ulcer.
I know other people are having problems as well, some more serious than mine, but this is really wreaking havoc on my brain. I need Las Vegas to come real fast. These next nineteen days couldn't go by any slower.
Amanda, I still want to go camping so let me know something as soon as possible. I won't be able to leave until around six or seven pm on Friday.
Stool, did I pay you for the pack of smokes? If not, I meant to, and will hook you up next time I see you.
Trappo Out.