I've had a bunch of things in my "Things to upload"-folder for quite some time now and I figured it'd be best just to upload them all in a bunch. Some of these are relatively new, others are several months old (from as far back as March). You can find hairs, makeup and clothing below the cut :)
First up is SkySims 28 Pookleted and converted for females. All of Pooklet's natural colors as well as Io's shades are included. The files are binned, but now familied.
DOWNLOAD for females <--
DOWNLOAD for males <--
Mesh - SkySims
Textures - Io's edits of Pooklet's textures
Colors - Pooklet & Iosaur
Secold up is a really old set of eyeshadows from back in March. You can see them pictured on the picture above (the waterline is not part of the eyeshadow). I snagged the texture from a skin by Drossel and blended it with textures from an eyeshadow by Lilith (can't remember which one, though - I made these for personal use ages ago). They come in the colors seen on the swatch below. I think the alpha is handpainted.
DOWNLOAD eyeshadows <--
Textures - Drossel & Lilith
Third up is a hair that was a pain to edit a lovely new hair by Peggy. I lowered the top of the head to lessen the fivehead-effect, added a scalp to make it not see through, edited the fringe to make it look more natural and re-textured it. It works for all ages (I'm pretty sure it does, anyway) and comes in Dynamite, Depth Charge, Pyrotechnic and Volatile with Mail Bomb for elders. The files are binned and familied. Io's Bastet is included in the custom bin.
Extra picture.
DOWNLOAD Peggy Hermione Pookleted <--
Mesh - Peggy
Textures - Pooklet
Colors - Pooklet & Iosaur
This next hair has already been up on my Tumblr since April, but it can't hurt to post it here as well. The binning-info is exactly the same as for the hair above.
DOWNLOAD NewSea Last Supper Short Alpha <--
Mesh - NewSea
Textures - Pooklet
Colors - Pooklet & Iosaur
NewSea's Morrison-hair converted for all ages. Same binning info as the two hairs above.
DOWNLOAD NewSea Morrison AllAges <--
Mesh - NewSea
Textures - Pooklet (it could be Io's edits, but I'm not sure)
Colors - Pooklet & Iosaur
NewSea's Stranger Pookleted. It comes in Dynamite, Depth Charge, Pyrotechnic and Volatile. Files are binned and familied. Mail Bomb should be linked to Dynamite.
DOWNLOAD NewSea Stranger Pookleted <--
Mesh - NewSea
Textures and colors - Pooklet
Now for something new~ Ignore the text of the picture, I fail completely apparently O_o
This is EP6SideShort which I converted for TS2 as part of a trade over at TheBigTrade-Off. I was asked if I could make it in all of Pooklet's naturals, so I edited the male-version to be in Pooklet's naturals and Io's shades. I also converted the hair for females while I was at it. The files are binned, but not familied :)
DOWNLOAD (NOT MORRISON but EP6SideShort) for females <--
DOWNLOAD (NOT MORRISON but EP6SideShort) for males <--
Mesh - EAGames
Textures - Pooklet
Colors - Pooklet & Iosaur
This next hair was supposed to have been uploaded ages ago (I'm sorry for taking this long with it, Glenn). It's my edit of the BaseGame Punkflip-hair converted for males. It comes in all of Pooklet's natural colors as well as Io's shades. Files are binned, but not familied.
DOWNLOAD BG Punkflip F2M <--
Textures - Pooklet
Colors - Pooklet & Iosaur
I was asked to convert my Disco Queen-hair for guys and happily said yes. This will probably be uploaded to MTS too sometime soon, but I figured I might as well share it here since it's done. It comes in Dynamite, Depth Charge, Pyrotechnic and Volatile with Mail Bomb for elders and Io's Bastet in the custom bin. The files are binned and familied. The female-version can be found
DOWNLOAD Disco King <--
Textures - EAGames
Colors - Pooklet & Iosaur
Next up are two sets of lips. The first is a blend made using textures by Iosaur and TeaLeaf.
Textures - Iosaur & TeaLeaf
Alpha - TeaLeaf
The second set is simply a couple of recolors of Mouseyblue's Hudson-lips using an alpha by TeaLeaf.
Texture: Mouseyblue
Alpha - TeaLeaf
Last but not least the clothing. First up is a teen-conversion of Amaryll's Bliss-top. The picture shows it for adults, since I didn't have a teen on that specific preview-lot (and yes, I was indeed to lazy to move to another lot - the top basically looks the same, but for teens). The files are linked to Amaryll's originals for textures, so those are required and can be located
Original mesh - Amaryll
Textures - Amaryll
Last up is a pair of shorts that I previewed at my Tumblr a while ago. I chopped off a pants from the H&M stuff pack and matched them with Bunheads' awesome peeptoes. The shorts come in four colors (black, brown, beige and white) and the mesh has all morphs.
Shoes-mesh and textures - Bunheadsbuns
EDIT: I found something more that Nabila gave me the go to share yesterday. It's a recolor of an eye that she made. I don't have any in-game pictures, but here's the swatch of the colors so you get an idea of what they look like:
DOWNLOAD Custom & Geneticized and Townified versions <--
Only keep one of the versions in your game!
Texture - Nabila
Sclera - Pooklet or Mouseyblue(?)
EDIT x2: I realised I had something more to share:
Sentate's latest clothing for TS2 with morphs. Basically it's just the meshes that he shared
here, but with morphs. Let these files overwrite the original ones (the file-names are the same) :3
I also made something new; two beddings for cribs. Nothing special, really, I just felt an urge to make beddings when I saw
this post at tumblr. The base-texture that I used was made by Anna.
Sorry for the crappy MilkShape-picture. The first one is bedding number 1 and the second one bedding number 2.
DOWNLOAD Crib Beddings <--
Textures - Frani721 and ColourLovers
Base-texture - Anna