The Skog's are back to haunt you foreva~
Last time Freddie married her Spud and they adopted Stannar who later died because of old age. Two little girls were brought into the world and were given the names George and Robin :)
Warnings: You can be a warning /:<
This update starts of in a very calm fashion with the adults skilling and the babies sleeping. I wish you could have heard Spud playing - it was beautiful.
Time goes by fast sometimes and it's already time for the twins to grow up :3
~Birthdays <3~
George and Spud :3
Robin and Freddie :3
Toddler George. She's inherited Freddie's nose and eye-shape, but I'm not sure about the rest.
I love her :3
And this is toddler Robin.
Spud's eyes and nose. Once again not sure about the rest XD
Dude, those eyes! Way to be creepy O_o
~Potty training face~
What George thinks she's saying: CAN SOMEONE CARRY ME TO MY BED NOW?!
What everyone else actually hears: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Sitting on the potty is serious business!
AlkjadouaslfjsdugjiKJIukjiufdshfdiudghk she's so adorable ;~; <3
Freddie: Rise and shine, sunshine <3
But, but.. you just put her to bed and she's so sleepy she's almost in the red /: *does NOT approve*
Spud had to put her back in the crib /:
Spud: There's something wrong with this machine D:
Why is the door open..?
Robin XD <3
Robin: *acts all innocent and stuff*
You just have to love smartmilk!
~Robin the Radioactive Baby~
George is also an adorable little glowworm ^__^
The hooked nose <3
Robin: Mommy, mommy look - I have a hand *___*
Spud: I love you, hon <3
Freddie: I love you too <3
Awww, poor thing - having two toddlers to take care of can't be easy >:
Freddie: I'm awake! :O
I don't know if I should laugh or cry. I'm leaning towards crying ;~;
(I miss Stannar >:)
Robin: Fly, food, ~fly~ :D
What people hear: Da, da, ~da~ :D
Wolf: *barks.. then is speachless*
What are you barking at? That's a wall /:
And right on the other side of that wall George is playing with her toys.. wait a sec.. Twilight imprint moment? D:
Excuse the walls down, but this was nescessary. GO AWAY, DOG D:<
I have so many .gifs of Robin doing cute stuff, but almost none of George. Not trying to play favorites here or anything - she just tends to do more cute stuff while George.. gets watched by wolfes through walls /:
Oh, wait, look - a George-gif :D
Freddie: I don't feel to good, am I pregnant again?
Freddie: *is to busy being proud she got the smartmilkmachine to work to notice that Robin is walking off*
Robin: *walks off*
Learning was tried.
Freddie: Say teddybear :3
Robin: Donwanna ):<
Freddie: Teddy. Bear. :)
Robin: Donn. Wanna. D:<
This might only be the second picture like this, but this has to be the fourth time she does it /:
George: Donwanna ):<
Freddie: Not you too -__-
Spud brought the handsome Crowley (Alleliua) home from work :3
The handsome Crowley who would rather watch television than interract with anyone in the household..
Crowley: The wife of my collegue it hawt *swoons* <3
Back off! D:<
Plus, you don't even like girls /:
Crowley: You are a very beautiful man :)
Spud: Oh, why thank you :D
Back.Off! /:<
Wait a sec.. he gave them a computer? O_O
Feel free not to back off, Crowley *__*
We all knew she was pregnant by now, but here's pop x1 for you, ladies and gentlemen :3
George woke up in the middle of the night and woke Robin who has just been put in her crib to sleep with her cries -___-
Freddie: Don't bother to get up, I'll take it.
Spud: No worries.
In George's world all is now well again ^__^
Spud brought Pierre (Lilith-sims) home from work the next day.
Pierre: Marriage is like being prisoned.
Spud: How can you even say something like that? ):<
I wonder why he even brought him home with him when they clearly don't hit it off /:
Pierre: I can't believe I'm still here -__- *blows trumpet-thingy*
George was first up :3
Child-George. I'm hoping she will grow into her features a bit more when she gets older :)
Naturally Robin was second up.
Robin: Caaaaaaaaake <3
Robin: *is terrified*
Adorable *__*
The nursery was transformed into a bedroom :3
Kablamoo x2
Taking advantage of the married man's chessboard I see in the background there, Pierre? /:
Sisterly love <3
George: That hurt ):
Robin: Sissy! *collects snow for another snowball*
I took a look at their stats and it showed that Robin only has one nice point while George has seven of them >:
The following day the kids were sent off to their first day of school :D
While they were gone.. ahem.. repairlady.. /:<
Adriana (Nnnilou) walked by :3
Nothing special happened when they were gone :3
Obligatory homework-pictures!
Freddie: Pain, pain, pain, PAIN!
Only one baby this time. Phew!
It's a boy, his name is Kim and he has Spud's eyes and Freddie's haircolor.
George: Mom, can we get an airplane? I think it would be awesome if we could get an airplane!
Spud: You know, hon, I think she's got a point.
Freddie: ... you've got to be kidding me.
It was about time for the family to get another cat to make up for the loss of Stannar. This would be Dekal :)
The policewoman descided to go inside and wake Spud up in order to tell the family the cat had arrived..
.. despite the fact that Freddie already was outside building a snowman. WHY DID SHE GO INSIDE AND WAKE SOMEONE UP WHEN SOMEONE ALREADY WAS AWAKE AND WAITING?! D:<
This would be the same policewoman who stole Rota's bathtub in the Oden spare-update and no, I still haven't gotten over it /:<
And with this we end this update :3
Sims seen in this update were made by:
Alleliua, Engram-au, Lilith-sims, Nnnilou