It's been almost three weeks since the last Oden-update?! I'm so slow ;~;
Last update of the fourth generation, people 8D
Birthdays, dates, dancing, goldfishes and video games happened last time :d
Warnings: Ummm.. ummmm... um?
We start of this update with a hot redhaired alien, namely Lolo (Charterzard) walking by.
Just look at how adorable she is <3333
Oh Ask, how I miss you ;~; <3
Brynhild: *+3000 aspiration points*
Oh, I see.. consider yourself forgiven, Ask :D <3
No, wait a second here. I see a puddle there on the floor. And a ghost as well as a young boy walking (well, the ghost is floating, but you get the point) away from it /:<
Aha! And the young boy's bladder is empty! I see what you did there ~__~
Still walking around with a "get first kiss"-want I thought it was time for Munin to start hitting on.. well.. people. Lolo was still hanging around and since Munin is bisexual I thought she'd be a good first-kiss-giver. Let's just say she didn't quite agree with me there..
Look at those stats. They're friends! Everyone knows guys and girls can't be friends (this isn't really true, but let's just pretend that it's true in this specific case) so there should be time for a kiss about now D:<
Lolo wouldn't have it, though, so there were no kissie-times for Munin ):
About then a pop-up window showed up. Translation: "Stannar has run away and wont come back. If you take better care of your pets, or atleast buy them a collar, perhaps it will go better in the future."
What do you mean with "take better care of your pets", pop-up-window? Are you trying to tell me something? ~__~
Nevertheless Mode was sent out to do some collar-shopping. Please notice how the shopping mall is right there across the street. Right there literally meaning right there. But instead he's walking straight forward, apparently desciding to take a walk all around the neighbourhood..
.. only to end up arriving to the mall from the left side of the mall. See the house there? That's the Oden's home -__-
*mumbles something about silly sims walking all around the whole neighbourhood instead of just crossing the street*
It's a bit blurry, but THERE ARE YOUR COLLARS, GAME! HAPPY NOW?! D:<
Being a teen of course Mode couldn't help himself but have some fun once he was out on his own :3
He also took the time to get them some groceries :D
Which he descided to pay for in the local clothes-shop..? -___-
Mode: Here are the money for the groceries :3
Cashier: Eh.. oh, yes, the moneyz. Let me just get those for you *snicker*
Cashier x2 and other client: *observes in silence*
After having given money to the wrong cashier Mode descided to take a minute of peace and drink some coffee.
Coffee which were bought from this guy. Can you see the hotness?!
Can you see it?!! *drools*
I heard snickering, went outside to see what was going on and was greeted by this O_O
Evil Charlatan: Why hi there little Loke, hehe >:3
(seriously, if this game wasn't made for people from thirteen and up I would think he was about to get raped. I was going to make a joke about it, but after all the things that have been going on lately I wont. I just wanted to mention because.. seriously.. if a man walks up to a hot guy who's only wearing swimingtrunks in the dark stealing the guy's money probably wouldn't be the first thing on that man's mind -__-)
Just look at that! Loke!! ;~; <3
Loke: What's going on? What's going on? What's going on? *is super terrified*
Evil Charlatan: You have been good, my boy. These grey, square things that I got from.. well, lets not go there seeing as you only had swimingtrunks on and that leaves us with only one possible place where you could hide money :3
Evil Charlatan: I shall see you soon, my boy >:3
Loke: Please don't hurt me ;~;
T_T <3
(For those of you that don't know or have forgotten Loke is Frey's and the late Ask's brother.)
This is about when I started fearing for Mode's safety so he was sent home asap. Back at home things were what they always.. wait, what?
Liam: Hey, Frey, what would you say about adopting a kid? I miss having a little kid to look after. Remember those days when Trud and Rota were little?
Um, sir? NGTH stands for Not.Going.To.Happen!
Ask: Wheee, I could never do this when I was alive 8D
He is such a happy ghost ;~; <3
I <3 U Ask! Look what beautiful smiles you bring into the face of your grandchildren and the glorious puddles of love that you create by their feet. Hold on a sec, my eyes are tearing up...
Bor: What is that noise? D:
Blad: *sings loudly*
Note from author: I wish you all knew how my little brother sings. If you did you'd know exactly how I hear Blad singing in my own head. I can give you a clue - it doesn't sound good XD
Booo, bad Ask D:<
Mode: My heart ;~;
Freyja is taking a distance from all the crazyness going on inside by making snowangles instead.
And planning a possible future relationship with some help from the ever so (NOT) lovely matchmaker.
Freyja: Can you see anything? 83
Matchmaker: I can see.. I can see.. a bright future.
Freyja: Amazing 8D
Something makes me doubt that foreseeing ~__~
Freyja swings both ways so i thought I might as well make her go for girls. This house could use some girl-action after all the boy-action that has been going on these past generations.
I seem to recognize that butt, though.. >___>
You have to be kidding me, matchmaker! You really have to be kidding me -__-
She sent Fenella (Alleliua), Rota's (Freyja's aunt) girlfriend and mother of Rota's latest kid. To the left in the picture you can even see where Fenella, Rota and their kids live -__-
Freyja: I approve 8D <3
no, no.. she not right, no. Of course I wasn't going to let Freyja ruin her aunt's relationship. Time for another round :d
Oh great, there's Pavel (Simchenelin) again :D
I didn't get any picture of their date but let's just say it wasn't good.. like, at all /:
Feel free to enjoy a picture of Bor in a hot military-suit, though :3
Me: Oh hi, mr. Penguin :D
Penguin: Can't talk, must get to snowman around the corner and tell him about the latest gossip!
Liam: Ugh, my husband's brother's grandchildren's kids are all failures >_< If only I could get a little kid to bring some win into this family again :3
My guess is that he's forgotten what "NGTH" stands for. Not that I blame him - he's getting on in years ):
And so is this little fellow ):
You all know that I like taking pictures of the kids doing their homework by now. The more snow the merrier!
Not all of them were doing homework, though. Freyja brought Ariette (Lionsatepree) home from school and as soon as she walked off the buss Bridget (Alleliua) walked by so she greeted her.
Freyja: I've died and gone to heaven ^__^ *swoons over the pretteh ladies*
Chemistry 8D
Freyja: Every time I'm not with you it's like a rainy cloud hangs over my head, soaking me with water representing my own tears.
Brynhild: Does that pick-up line ever work? XD
Ariette: That was a good one, you joker there :D
Freyja: Yes.. joker.. _>
Apparently not :d
This cutie (Ivan, Backerbse) walked by :3
Munin: I sense hot stuff :D *puts homework aside and swoons like crazy*
Ohh, chemistry going on here as well 8D
Ivan seems just as interested in Munin as Munin is interested in him.
People, people! I just want to make you aware that this is not the same heartfart as in the last picture. They heartfart over eachother every second minute or so XD
Munin: You light up all the clouds on a rainy day <3
Ivan: You're so poetic <3
What's with you guys and suddenly using the weather for expressing your feelings? And what does that even mean? >_>
Three bolters! This is true love, people, light clouds or not 8D <3
Since Bor's LTW had already been fulfilled it was time for him to start working in another career (hense the military uniform). Now he got himself a promotion :3
Look at that smug grin of his XD
Ivan: *stalks* What are you reading?
Munin: Nothing special. I'd much rather be reading you ;)
Ivan: Be right back..
Ivan: *goes to have a look around and to cool himself down a bit, you know, since he's so hot ;D*
Ivan: *thinks* I really don't like his father /:
Dude, not everyone can like dudes. I'm sure Bor is just as accepting to homosexual relationships as he is to heterosexual ones. For the sake of it, he has two dads XD
~Iiii'veee beeen dreaamiinng of a truuuee love's kisssss~
Ivan: My, that dude is hot :D
Freyja is not doing that bad with her potential girlfriend either :3
Munin: I approve of you being so hot :D
The girls and the boys have very different ways of spending their dates. While the girls play kickysack the boys..
.. are having a pillow-fight. I adore how it's usually portraied to be the other way around XD
Munin: So.. what would you say if I asked you.. if the two of us.. meaning you and me.. could go steady?
Of course it was a yes! Let's hear a synchronized awwwww: "awwwwww <3"
Love! <3
They're still heartfarting like there's no tomorrow XD
Once again, another burst of hearts. Ivan has infiltrated his mind!
Liam: Those boys are growing big now. What would you say about another little kid running around, no? Perhaps even two if..
Frey: Hon, I think it'd be better if..
Liam: All it takes is a phonecall, you know :3
Frey: You must have forgotten how against I was having kids in the first place D:<
Lexington (Sneebsey): *heartfars over Mode*
Oh no you didn't, you got it together with his grandpa's brother AND his grandpa's brother's husband - I wont let you anywhere near Mode! /:<
Frey: Did the room suddenly get hotter?
Let's just say Jovana likes walking around in her underwear. She doesn't even have to worry about attracting anyone's attention seeing as the only guy who's even interested in girls in the house is her own husband XD
Aww <3
Double aww <3
Bor: Sometimes I feel alone being the only guy in the house not liking guys..
Not just in this house, hon. You can count the whole neighbourhood and game too if you'd like XD
Ivan: This painting is really..
shallow and pedantic.. oh who am I trying to kid? I'm just here to watch my boyfriend :3
Ivan: *stalking.. Twilight-style >:3*
Meanwhile, the other housemembers are being productive <3
Lexington: You know, your older brother is kind of hot. He takes after you dad a lot - he's hot too. If he wasn't straight I'd hit on him.
Brage: Now that you're saying it dad is pretty hot.
Mode: You know, I'm more awesome than any of my brothers (or sisters).
Ivan: WHAT?! How dare you say anything like that to me?
Mode: Just admit it, you like me!
Ivan: I hate you! D:<
I get the feeling Mode is sad because the guy he has two bolts with has three bolts with his brother ):
This is true love, though <3
Ivan: I love you bb <3
Munin: I love you too <3
Not going to translate this, but I circled the important thing: they moneyz. They never got them /:<
Jovana brought Klayton (Legendwind) home from work.
Klayton: Congratulation for having raised such fine, young boys :)
Jovana: Why thank you.. wait a second D:<
When Ariette left Pandora (Lionsatepree) who came home with Brynhild stayed for a bit longer.. only to tease Freyja /:<
Pandora: *pokes nose* Haha, I got you >:D
Freyja: I hate you - get out of my room! D:<
Pandora: Oh my, you're so hot when you're angry! Call me? <3
Something tells me she wont do that, Pandora >_>
And not only because she has minus relationship-points with you /:
Bor: You know, tree, there's something that's been worrying me. What would you do if a hord of elephants suddenly descided to cross across our back garden? I mean, you'd be completely defenseless.
Bor: Honey, you're my sunshine on any cloudy day <3
What is with you and the weather? XD
Blad: I'm scared O_O
Bor quickly ran outside only to worry about how bad the dog was beating the cat up, not interfering or doing anything to stop it /:
Remember how Blad said he wouldn't fight after he met death at Ask's funeral? Well, he sticked by that.
Bor: Nice kitty <3
Blad: I did good? :D
Blad: *purrs*
Next morning Jovana descided to spend some quality time with the cats.
Wait a sec.. Stannar? Stannar, is that really you? ;~; <3
It is you 8D <3
Stannar: I see, you followed me here, tail. One day I shall end you D:<
Stannar: But right now I have to play with this blue, fuzzy thingy 8D <3
Jovana: Who's a good kitty? You are, yes you are!
I was starting to get my hopes up that he'd move back in, but in the end Stannar left again T_T
It's not all darkness and despair, though. The time has come for some much needed birthdays!
Munin was first up :)
Yaowsa! That's hot hotness O_O
Mode: I'm so flattered that you all wanted to be here today to see me grow up :D
Munin: Have you ever noticed how hot Frey is?
Mode: Bro, this is about me!
Ohh, not bad! Adult-Mode, everyone <3
Liam: That kid is hot <3
Not that I can blame you though *__*
Vidar was the last one to grow up..
And stop laughing like that, Frey, when your husband is swooning over your brother's grandson D:<
Last (this time around, there's still a batch of triplets left) but not least Vidar reached adulthood. And he's hot too D:
I might need to play spares this time around as well XD
And that was all I had to offer this time around. Next time I see you the heir will be announced :3
Next time on the Oden-legacy:
Sims seen in this update were made by:
Alleliua, Backerbse, Brilliantsims, Charterzard, Legendwind, Lionsatepree, Nnnilou, Simchenelin and Sneebsey.