Mar 02, 2011 18:56
Trapping is a sad (and annoyed) panda T_T
I´m having problems with my game. It all started recently (a few days ago). First of all I had a pregnant sim. He popped once but then 25 hours went by and he didn´t pop a second time, that´s when I started getting worried. When 75 hours of pregnancy had passed and the sim didn´t go into labour I waited five more hours before quitting the game and looking in SimPE to see if something was wrong. I had to manually set his pregnancy from half to full and next time I entered the game he emediately had babies. Shortly after the babies were born I had an adult who was supposed to grow up to elder-state. He did grow up physically, but not mentally. He looked like an elder, but when I tried to change his looks using a mirror or swich clothes he reverted back into being an adult again. I saved and quit the game. Next time I enter the babies are gone and the time is re-set to when I entered the game last time. I have the sim have his babies and the adult grow up into an elder. This time the babies are born without any problems, but the adult-sim grows up into and elder and gets the life-span of an elder, but his looks remains the same as they were when he was an adult. I can´t change his appearance what so ever. Even if I do so he reverts back into looking the same as before. Elder-lifespan and adult-looks. What could be causing this?
My second problem is that I can´t place anything into my sims´s catalog anymore. I´ve tried with several different sims. I click on the item I want to be placed in his/her catalog and drag it to the catalog-space (I´ve tried pushing the letter "i" too, but with the same result as dragging the item) but instead of being correctly placed in the catalog the item remains in the same position as before I tried to put it in the catalog.
Last but not least: I´ve had two sims from two different households move into another household, but the pictures signifying the households they lived in before hasn´t changed. The sims´s picture shows up both in the household in which they´re currently living AND the household which they lived in before. Though, if I open their previous households they no longer live there.
If I remember correctly I´ve installed two new hacks lately, ffsdebugger and notownieregen. I removed the ffsdebugger from my downloads-folder since I thought that was causing the problems, but the problems are still there. And I don´t want to delete the notownieregen because then my neighbourhood will overflow with townies again (I just deleted around 500 townies from my neighborhood).
Help? ;_;
Edit: Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to comment. I ran the Hack Conflict Detector Utility on my downloads-folder and got a message saying I had no conflicing hacks *is relived*. Then I opened the game without the downloads-folder to see if my catalog-problem and aging-problem were still there. I opened one of the households I had from before and aged the one sim living there up. He transitioned into an elder without any problems. A few days ago I had another sim transition into elderhood without any problem and that was after having deleted tons of sims. The only problems I´ve ever had with adults not wanting to become elders is with the one I mentioned in the text above (*makes a sad face*). Things wouldn´t go into catalogs, though. So I opened Pleasantview to see if the catalog-problem existed there as well, but it didn´t. To wrap it all up my conclusion is: I have no conflicting hacks, adults can grow up into elders, I´m just having problems with this one sim and in the one neighborhood where I deleted almost 500 sims I can´t place anything in my sims´s catalogs.
I´d rather not start a new neighborhood (because I´ve already had to do this once with the Oden-family and I don´t want to do it again), but if I have to I will.
Edit x2: I created a new sim in the "borked-catalog-neighborhood" while having no downloads and moved her into a new house. I tried to place something in her inventory and succeeded with doing so. My new conclusion is that I have no conflicting hacks, one adult sim who has reached elder-stage but still looks like and adult and can´t be edited and I can´t place stuff in older sims´s catalogs. This is getting more and more odd