I'm just going to drop these of real quick: it's a re-texture of my edit of Martini's all ages-conversion of NewSea's Belladonna-hair which I made for Lilith as part of a trade over at TBTO (phew, long sentence XD). It comes in the colors I usually use and the colors are binned and familied with the exception of Io's Bastet which is custom. The teen-conversion is a conversion of
this dress by Amaryll. The mesh has a fat-morph and the files are repositoried to Amaryll's originals so those ARE required!
Please replace any previous version of the mesh with the file that's included. More info on how it's been edited can be found
here :)
Credits: NewSea, Martini, Pooklet and Io.
The original files (which are required!) can be found
Credits: Amaryll and Sentate.