creature comforts

Mar 31, 2009 21:44

A bit of escapism, yes? Yes. Sometimes you can get what you want. Tonight, that's pizza, red wine, and a ridiculous chick flick that takes place in New York.

On deck: August Rush. That's right, bitches. Felicity + Jonathan Rhys Meyers + a super-sensitive and adorable 11-year-old boy (+, oh god, Robin Williams. With a soul patch). Whatever Kerri Russell does, she'll always be Felicity to me. She was a freshman in college when I was a freshman in college, so we're like cosmic sisters or something. And Jonathan Rhys Meyers has such crazy animal magnetism that you could put him in a scene with a turnip and there would still be some hot making out.

The premise is so absurd that it's not worth discussing, but I don't really care. The actors are all cute, and whoever is in charge of tugging the heartstrings should get a raise.

There's a really awesome scene where the kid arrives in NY and hears music in the city traffic. It reminds me of the scene in Dancer in the Dark, before everything takes a turn for the horrible, where Bjork hears music in the factory.

The kid really is fucking adorable.
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