Who is Arak? FAQ

May 06, 2011 10:23

The following journal entry shows answers to questions that might possibly be asked in the future, or have already been asked.

Name: Arak Vermillion
Alias: Narcissistic Spider King
Age: 25
height: 6'5
Hair: Black
Eyes: purple
Sexuality: Bisexual, male preference

How did you think of Doubutsu City?

Doubutsu City is a city I created that was originally based on USSR's Soviet Cartoon industry SoyuzMultfilm. SM was practically the Disney of the Soviet Union. I'm not entirely sure, but SM was perhaps created as competition with Disney creations during the cold war. The evidence that backs up my theory on this is that SM has also taken classic stories and made cartoons out of them, such as the Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and The Jungle Book. They, however, made the cartoons focus more on the plot of the book, sad endings and all. (Ex Ariel dies in the cartoon, etc). The city has expanded its horizons since then, and many things created inside are more original. Doubutsu City contains characters in which some that are parodies, and/or imitations of popular characters in original SM cartoons suchas Cheburashka, and others.

So what the heck is Doubutsu City?

Doubutsu means animals in Japanese.  Doubutsu City, as the name suggest, is a city populated by residents that refer to themselves as animals. Doubutsu residents are simply known as Residents, with a capital R. Older generation Residents call themselves "Doubukin" (Ex "see that guy over there? He came from Doubutsu City. He's a Doubukin"]. Are they really animals? The answer is not exactly. These residents are ideas. They are symbols. Doubutsu City is a symbol of the human earth. Everything in Doubutsu City is a symbol, mockery, or satire of human strengths and flaws. The residents are really personified animals, or rather they are people who have the ability to transform into animals, and have animal instincts and stereotypes, along with human instincts and stereotypes.  The names of many of these residents are puns. Some puns are funny, some are not.

Doubutsu is an enormous city, almost the size of a country, and takes up about 90% of an island is rest on, in the middle of an ocean.  Although the residents are free to live wherever they want within it, the city has a seperated area system. Each area in Doubutsu City is a family of species (such as bugs, cats, dogs, reptiles, marine animals, etc) and each area is named by that said species in a different kind of language. For instance, The insect area is known as Zhuk District, where Zhuk means "bug" (specifically beetle) in Russian. The bird area is known as Avian Metropolis, and the reptile area is known as Rettile Sector, where "retille" means "reptile" in Italian.  This mocks the desire of humans wanting to separate themselves, such as cliques in high schools. Though there are still some integration of animals in areas, such as a bird living in the cat area, or a dog living in the marine animals' area. Many locations within the city represent places on Earth. One area of Doubutsu may look like Venice, Italy, or Tokyo, Japan.

Alright, so I guess I get the gist of this headcanon. Now who the heck is Arak?

Arak Nidde Vermillion (Pronounced a-ROCK ) is the Spider King, and he rules over the spiders that reside in Doubutsu City, in Zhuk District: an area of Doubutsu City. Arak's pun name consists of "Arak" and "Nidde" together forming "Arachnid" (haha get it?) .


Vermillion is a last name that originated from the first Vermillion being a spider who had the eyes of the very color. Spiders in Russian cartoons (or any cartoon, really) are generally thought of as evil, frightening creatures. In Doubutsu City, the "spiders are evil" concept was formed when the King Pauk and Queen Pautina (puns are Russian female/male words on "spider") rueld over the spiders. They were evil and sadistic, and tortured those who crossed their paths. They ruled over other with an iron fist. This symbolizes the evil of humans as power hungry monarchy, mainly Vlad the Impaler.

Arak was born as a sweet, and kind boy. He had loving parents and befriended all of his servants. As he grew up, he faced discrimination and the grief of the death of his mother, due to the hatred from others that have grown since Queen Pautina had passed away. in Doubutsu City, Pautina's rule is what creates the symbol of fear of spiders, or arachnophobia.

Because of this discrimination, Arak grew sour. He longed for compliments and words of praise from his servants, since he never got any from others. For this, we move on to personality.


In a nutshell, Arak tends to behave like a movie villain. He's snooty, on a high horse, very easily offended, and narcissistic. There's another side of him that he shows, which is very rare, but is happening more often as he ventures outside his world. When it comes to sex and habits, he's very clean and meticulous. He doesn't have a lot of special kinks, and keeps it simple. You can find his kinks here. He has a great interest in beauty, and is not afraid to say when something is beautiful or ugly. He has some binarist viewpoints, and tends to be a bit sexist in some situations, thanks to a bigoted father, and a mother who portrayed herself as a delicate, frail woman. (She was like that because she was sick, but she never told Arak. Arak grew to think most women were gentle and delicate.)

More will be added.


No, Arak does not control all spiders. He rules over the spiders in his own world. If you catch him controlling a spider, that spider came with him from his world. He desperately tries to control spiders of other worlds, but to no avail. He gets upset afterwards.

He can mix different kinds of venoms in his body. He can make things such as aphrodisiacs, pain killers, paralysis, and a rang of poisonous venom that can harm the body slightly or greatly. It takes up a lot of energy to make these venoms in his body and then inject it, so he doesn't do it often.

His main powers are that of a spider. He is very agile and can escape danger very quickly. His agility makes up for his lack of strength and defense. He generally finds no interest in harming others, unless it's for self defense. When it's for self defense, his main attack is to bite and inject poison.

He doesn't shoot web from his wrists like Marvel Comic hero Spiderman, in case anyone was wondering.

He does, however, form silk threads from his fingertips and makes his webs slowly, and carefully. He takes pride in the beautiful artwork he makes with them.

FAQ - These are questions asked by other users either in this entry, or in PM/other places.

1. Arak is a rather aggressive and dominant person. These traits are usually found in a female spider, not a male. Why did you make him a male, etc?

Prepare for a lot of tl;dr

As mentioned in the general information, Doubutsu Residents have human instincts as well as animal instincts. Lets close in on the details. Human biology plays a very important part of a Resident's growth and viewpoints on life, as well as animal biology. Much like a human (and unlike an animal), Residents can form their character, based on how parents raised them, their environment, their homeland, and personal opinions. Genes inherited from parents can also affect a Resident's character. Because of this, the amount of how human they behave, or how animal-like they behave can vary. A Resident born closer to nature, with strict, traditional parents can be feral. The only thing they have to being human is speech, and everything else that has to do with their behavior is based purely on animal instinct. A Resident born more in cities and urban areas can be almost completely human in behavior, and the only thing they have to themselves in animal behavior, is probably the ability to transform into the animal they represent, and even then they'll behave human-like, even in animal form. There are shades of gray between these two spectrums also.

With that in mind, there are several reasons as to why Arak is the kind of man he is today.

Arak was born with the personified traits that a male spider tends to have. He was small, meek, and rather submissive in character. He was a sweet young boy, who always obeyed his mother, and other cute little boy stuff. However, since Queen Pautina's rule (The most diabolical leader in Doubutsu history), and execution, spiders have been feared and hated. Arak grew up experiencing this hatred from other Residents. Whenever he ventured outside his mansion, he would get assaulted by nearby children. Since then, he learned to defend himself against them. Besides that, Arak's mother was terminally ill, and had the energy to only have one child. Arak is that child, and he was the only heir to the throne. Aside from developing his own defense from bullies, he was taught and tutored on his duties as king, and was taught how to fight, assert himself and dominate as king. He began forming his selfish, malicious personality after the death of his mother. Originally, the disease she had would make her live until Arak's current age. However, she died early, due to a hate crime. She died when he was around 12. Since then, he was raised and coddled by his maids and butlers. He grew a massive ego thanks to the praise and loyalty he got from his servants. Soon after around 16, he developed hormones and grew a lust that only expanded from his egotistical personality. He began to devour both men and women of young age. He at first only mated with other spiders. Since many of the females were more violent and aggressive than the males, he grew to prefer men more, but he'll devour a female every now and then. Since then, and up until now, his interests expanded to other species of residents, and from there on out moved to humans and non-animal creatures, such as vampires.

Basically, anyone he found attractive, he would hit on.

Residents also say he formed his character from genes he inherited from Queen Pautina, but that one is just a theory for now.

Sometimes, with the right time and situation, his originally soft and gentle side still shows.

This journal doesn't make sense/is too offensive/etc?

I do admit, I may have not made sense in some parts, or I may have made it too offensive in other parts. Forgive me, English isn't my native language, and I tend to get carried away in typing without looking things over.

In that case, should you find something offensive, or something that doesn't make sense,or you simply are curious and want to ask a question, please leave a comment below. And if you do find something, it'll help me a lot if you suggest ways I could revise it. If any suggestions you make leave room for doubt from me, I'll respond back to your comments and tell you why I may disagree with your crit. Usually, it'll mean I didn't understand what you meant, or I just wanted to gain more detail of your wordings. Discussing back and forth will help me learn, too.

Keep in mind, that Doubutsu City is a satire. It's based on human views, such as stereotyping.

Flames will be laughed at.
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