Concept of Musebox

Jan 09, 2011 18:47

Yes, i know it's a little too fancy to be a musebox, but hey, it's my musebox, I can make it as necessarily gaudy as I want. Basically, the entries down in this musebox mainly take place in this city in my head. since Arak is my best(And most expensive >>) account, I decided on him being the main moderator of this city, doing whatever he please with it. And if you annoy him, or when he is bored, he'll mess aroudn with the city a little, such as makign giant spiders, earthquakes, or tentacle monsters.

Please do not worry, this is not for god-modding purposes.

The purpose of letting Arak have this power, is so that every so and so, I can post up events, such as the mistletoe event, and future events that I may have planned. Arak is not an all powerful being, and I don't intend on him being one, either.

This musebox isn't just for exploring this city. RP continuations from other games that you can't continue due to going over the PG-13 can be done in here. Those RPs do not have to abide the musebox specific rules, such as the single rule, or the "What happens in the musebox, stays in the musebox" rule.
This musebox of mine is simply for fun, is not any major game, and is for when you feel like playing, but not making any stories, or keeping anything. It's for when you feel like RPing, but don't feel like doing activity checks, or worrying about thread dropping. I wil only allow friends to join this musebox.


Phases of the moon

Certain moon phases can affect the people of the city. These affect can only take at night, and only when the moon appears. You will not be affected if the moon is blocked by a cloud.

Crescent moons will rid you of any weapons or power. Had a gun? Knife? it's gone now. Are you a magical being? you can't use your magic. Do you have any super senses? Normal human senses now. This does not Affect Arak.

The Full Moon with double your power. Regular humans with have enhanced senses, skilled weapon users will be more skilled, people who turn into monsters with turn into even more badass monsters, etc. Arak included.

The New moon has the same effect as the crescent moons, only this time Arak is affected as well.

Half moons take away Arak's power only. He's incognito aroudn this time usually. But if you find can beat him up.

Gibbous Moons don't' do anything. They aren't special.


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