Jan 06, 2002 14:31
=In the Beginning=
What time is it right now? 2:40pm.
Do you dare to finish this: sure.. i'm bored enough.
Do you like these surveys: ehh.
=The Basics=
Full Name: ashley noelle clanton.
Birthdate: 12/15/83.
Zodiac Sign: sag.
Age: eighteen.
Gender: grrl.
Location: west grove pa represent.
Are you parents divorced: in the proccess.
Eye Color: blue gray.
Height: 5'4 and a 1/4.
Glasses or No: depends on the person.
Piercings/Tattoos: 3 on each of my ears. that's it..
Have you:
Danced around naked: yup. in my room by myself.
Ran away from the cops: haha. yea after shopping cart racing. right danielle?
Held a gun: nope.
Committed a crime you were charged with: nope.
Gotten in a car accident: if you know me, you know this answer. haha.
Watched Punky Brewster: hell yea!
Gone skinny dipping: in a shower with someone else.
Ran away from home: planned it.
Played strip poker: yup. and what can i say? i suck at it.
Broke a bone: nope.
Sang out loud: in the car last nite. me and danielle always sing cursive loud. i think chris was scared though. hehe.
Screamed: while listening to saetia yesterday.
Watched a Cartoon: hmm. not too long ago.
=Do You?=
Have a pager? no.
Have a cell phone: yes.
Have your own car: yes. it's my baby.
Have money in your pocket? not in my pocket but in my wallet, though.
Have clothes on right now: my pj's cus i just woke up.
Have a mental disease: i'm pretty sure i have ADD seriously. cus it runs in my family.
Have any pets: my dog howie.
Save E-mails: if it's from someone special.
Have a Crush: nah. i think i'm just sick of all guys right now.
Sleep with stuffed animal: nope.
Lights on or off: off.
Think you're weird: sometimes. and i know other people think i am weird..
Think you're funny: sometimes.
Have a pool: nope.
Party a lot: no. and if i do it's to be the designated driver and help my drunk friends.
Go on-line a lot: i'm always on.
Sleep a lot: only on weekends.
Curse a lot: yes. :x
Like lollipops: uh huh.
=This or That=
Button fly or zipper jeans: zipper cus it's quicker.
Hot or cold: hot. cus i'm anemic.
One pillow or two: two.
Red or blue: red.
Here or there: there.
Sweater or sweatshirt: sweater.
Pencil or pen: pen.
Boxers or Briefs: nothing. :)
T-shirt or tank top: t-shirt. youth medium please.
Stripes or solids: both.
Wool or cotton: both.
Chocolate milk or plain: chocolate.
Spring or fall: both.
Summer or winter: both. i hate being cold but i love wearing my winter clothes.
Skiing or swimming: swimming. but hopefully i'll go up to the mountains this winter since i've never been.
Croutons or Bacon Bits: both.
Snow or rain: snow to play. rain to be peaceful.
What is your most prized possession: my cd's. i don't know what i would do without my music. also my ps2. :)
What is your good luck charm(s): nothing.
What is the stupidest song you've ever heard: any of that pop shit. but if you can get something out of it, then that's your deal.
What is the most embarrassing CD you own: haha. um..i have a lot. i got my cd player in 4th grade. so prolly something along the lines of quad city djs. 'come on ride the train and ride it'
What do you do most often when you are bored: internet. music. go get coffee. sleep. ps2.
What is the last movie you saw: blow last nite. i had already seen it, but it's a word movie so i recommended it. and everyone else liked it.
What kind of clothes do you sleep in: pants and a sweatshirt. i'm always cold.
What color tooth brush do you use: white and magenta.
What are you thinking about right now: how my neck still hurts from the show on friday.
What color underwear are you wearing: white.
What time is it now: we already established this.
Any last things to say: 'i am human and i need to be loved, just like everybody else does.'