easy chair..

Apr 07, 2012 12:10

Hey there, and welcome back to my new graphic enterprise! 
Since I love spending my spare time hanging out with Photoshop's colors and stuff like that (and since I love editing photos too) I decided to begin this new adventure, hoping that someone will find this helpful. I will post here some coloring tutorials, and of course I will post for each tutorial a .psd file which can be downloaded 24h/24 from my mediafire account.
All I'm asking for, please, are credits (a linkback to my journal in your resource list will make my day!) and of course comments.I really love comments, and I read all of them, even if I can't answer to you all. Anyway, the main rule will be: no one of these tutorials will ever end up with a good result with all of the images in the world! The point is that you can try to apply some of these psd files to an image that is completely different from the image I've used,but it may happen that the coloring doesn't match with those different colors.
All right then. Let's create something colorful and let's begin with the tutoooriaaal :D

{ I created a psd map page! so you won't get lost anymore // look's what's new, guys :)
This time we'll see how to create a gorgeous blue and yellow mix, with tons of misterious shadows . I used this screenshot from capturedgracemusic.

So the tutorial will show you how to turn the screenshot from this:

to this:

1. Let's open our base in Photoshop (File > Open)

2. Okay, that's it! I started to watch the Game of Thrones series and ended up with loving that movie. I already red the first four books, and I'm waiting for more money to come, since I can't wait to buy the following books. They are simply magical. I've been thinking that nothing would have ever beaten the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but I was totally wrong, since this is epic. Anyway! Today we're working with a Bran close-up, who is one of the main characters of the series. What a lovely child x) And you know what? I decided to experiment a lot, this time: this will be the first of a coloring series which will be slightly different from the previous. I really hope this will help you. All right, let's begin! I wanted to create something dark, this time, and since I've never worked with mainly blue tones.. the outcome will be stunning, people. We'll start with duplicating our base image twice: set the first copy (from the base) to Screen, as usual (this helps us to create new highlights without creating a mess).
   "Contrast" will be the password for the entire coloring: contrast means a sharp difference between the skin and the rest of the image, which will be plunged into darkness. So let's take the second copy, and let's apply a blur to it:
    Filters > blur > gaussian blur > 3,8 or 4,0
    set this layer to Overlay. We're finished with this, main step.

3. I found that this technique helps us creating a new, original effect to the image. Now we can start to think about the colors. What about a dark violet, which is the perfect way to get a great blue? (I know that's strange, but don't you dare contradict photoshop's weird things, ahah)
   Layer > New fill layer > #7e00d6 > Soft light > 100%

4. That's okay, we didn't ruin the image at all! From now on we'll refine the tones step by step, so let's begin with a Selective Coloring, and let's try to turn our flat colors into something particular.
   yellows: -100 | +15 | +31 | 0
   cyan: -100 | 0 | +76 | 0
   blue: +100 | +16 | +100 | +98
   magenta: -32 | 0 | +21 | +13
   whites: +37 | +7 | +100 | -15
   neutrals: -32 | -17 | +11 | +4
   blacks: 0 | 0 | 0 | +59

5. We have our red tones back, but all the blue ones just faded away. What about a curves adjustment? This tool will be perfect, since it will only adjust the blue tones, without corrupting anything else.
   - blue (point #1: output: 243; input:220)
            (point #2: output: 43; input: 24)

6. Okay, that's just what we were looking for. I definetely think that this blue tone is perfect, we only have to refine the coloring a bit, and then we'll be finished. So, do you remember what I said at the beginning of the tutorial? Well, this has to be a very dark coloring, so we have to darken everything, and we'll use our base image again for that. Duplicate the base, and grab it to the top of the layers: take the blur tool again, and set something like 5,0 or 5,3, then set the layer to Soft Light. YAY! That's just a-w-e-s-o-m-e! I love the blur effect, it gives a fairy note to the image, it seems ethereal or something!

7. The last step for you, guys, and then we'll be done :D we're going to create a gradient, since we love gradients a lot u_u
    Layer > New fill layer > Gradient (stamp) > 34% (opacity)
    You can ignore this step, if you think that blue doesn't match with yellow, but remember that strangeness is the way, so I really recommend to follow this. All you have to do is giving a cool ray of color to the image.
    Layer > New fill layer > Gradient (stamp) > Multiply > 100% (opacity) - or a little less

That's just way too cool, isn't it? ;)
PSD | credits required e_e

coloring tutorial/psd

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