welcome home.

Mar 11, 2012 17:04

Hey there, and welcome back to my new graphic enterprise! 
Since I love spending my spare time hanging out with Photoshop's colors and stuff like that (and since I love editing photos too) I decided to begin this new adventure, hoping that someone will find this helpful. I will post here some coloring tutorials, and of course I will post for each tutorial a .psd file which can be downloaded 24h/24 from my mediafire account.
All I'm asking for, please, are credits (a linkback to my journal in your resource list will make my day!) and of course comments.I really love comments, and I read all of them, even if I can't answer to you all. Anyway, the main rule will be: no one of these tutorials will ever end up with a good result with all of the images in the world! The point is that you can try to apply some of these psd files to an image that is completely different from the image I've used,but it may happen that the coloring doesn't match with those different colors.
All right then. Let's create something colorful and let's begin with the tutoooriaaal :D

{ I created a psd map page! so you won't get lost anymore // look's what's new, guys :)
We'll create something dark, this time, with a picture based on warm colors. I used this screenshot from rawr-caps.net.

So the tutorial will show you how to turn the screenshot from this:

to this:

1. Let's open our base in Photoshop (File > Open)

2. Here's a useful warning before we start: as I already wrote in the beginning, this tutorial will help you to create a dark coloring on a screenshot, but this one works better for those pictures that have red, pink or some orange tones. If you're working with a picture that contains a lot of cold colors (such as blue, light blue and even green) this won't bring you to a good result. You may try and adjust the tones later, anyway! Here we are, with this perfect screenshot: as you can see, the base is pretty dark, and the perfect (and faster) remedy for this is.. yeah, we all know what I'm talking about :D duplicate+screen, of course! We just have to duplicate the base twice, this time, since the picture is quite dark, and set both copies to Screen.

3. You know what? We're still not satisfied with the light. When I started to work on this coloring, I just thought about a cool contrast between cold lights and dark shadows: we need a shocking re-lightning, then. The perfect tool for this is the Exposure, since it gives us complete control on the main highlights and shadows. Follow me and set something like this:
   +0,43 | +0,0294 | 1,24

4. Now Cook's illuminated by the divine light, yeah! It's time to think about all of the invisible tones, since this new lightning made them disappear. What we're going to do now is only give some color to our base, so you could basically choose any tone that you prefer: I think that starting with a light brown and a dark yellow would be great. Let's check them out in the following step:
   Layer > New fill layer > #9c886a > Multiply > 100%
   Layer > New fill layer > #f0c208 > Luminosity > 33%
I already told you that you can choose any tone that you want: the main thing is that you have to try to create a very strange mix of dark and light colors. Just don't darken them to much.

5. Selective coloring, guys! Let's keep creating strange tones with the previous colors.
   reds: -60 | +6 | +16 | +5
   yellows: +36 | -30 | +70 | +95
   greens: +100 | -100 | -74 | 0
   cyan: +100 | -69 | -100 | +49
   blue: +39 | -64 | -95 | +53
   whites: -15 | -92 | -100 | +100
   neutrals: +11 | +13 | -13 | -2
Gosh, what have we done.. that's a mess. And that's just perfect! When you want to create dark gradients or dark colorings, you can feel free to have fun with hundreds of colors, even if they just can't stay together.

6. These three gradients will adjust everything: we're about to create the final look for our coloring.
    Layer > New fill layer > Gradient (stamp)
set this layer to Linear light > 91%
    Layer > New fill layer > Gradient (stamp)
set this layer to Luminosity > 24%
    Layer > New fill layer > Gradient (stamp)
set this layer to Overlay > 100%

7. The last step, guys, and then we'll be finished. Since our image may appear too lightened, I recommend you to duplicate your base image, grab it to the top of the layers and set it to Soft light > 100% even if it depends by the type of the image.

You're done. yeppieee ^-^
PSD | credits required | comments make my day :)

coloring tutorial/psd

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