down we fall..

Nov 17, 2011 16:22

Hey there, and welcome back to my new graphic enterprise! 
Since I love spending my spare time hanging out with Photoshop's colors and stuff like that (and since I love editing photos too) I decided to begin this new adventure, hoping that someone will find this helpful. I will post here some coloring tutorials, and of course I will post for each tutorial a .psd file which can be downloaded 24h/24 from my megaupload account.
All I'm asking for, please, are credits (a linkback to my journal in your resource list will make my day!) and of course comments.I really love comments, and I read all of them, even if I can't answer to you all. Anyway, the main rule will be: no one of these tutorials will ever end up with a good result with all of the images in the world! The point is that you can try to apply some of these psd files to an image that is completely different from the image I've used,but it may happen that the coloring doesn't match with those different colors.
All right then. Let's create something colorful and let's begin with the tutoooriaaal :D

+2 .psds and tutorials! Christmas has come, guys XD
Today we'll see how to turn a regular screenshot to a shocking colored one, using greens, bright yellows and cyan. I used this screenshot from homeofthenutty's gallery.

So the tutorial will show how to transform the screenshot from this:

to this:

1. Let's open our base in Photoshop (File > Open)

2. If you're not a random user in my journal, you already know what I'm about to do now: yeah, you're right, we have to duplicate the base and set it to Screen! This is not a surprise anymore, and I'll keep repeating that this is the best trick to work on screeshots, which are not usually so bright. In this case, our screenshot turned out just too bright, and since we're going to accentuate black colors (if we won't, the color will be a crap, since it's all about light colors!) let's duplicate the base again, grab it to the top, and set it to Overlay > 44%. We still have our lightning, and we added a little contrast to the image.

3. This could be a good base, but we're still not completely proud of it. Let's see: we have blacks, we have the right contrast, we have good colors.. what is missing? Well, more blacks! What are you saying? Of course, more blacks, yeah! Don't forget that this coloring is going to be very very bright, and colors usually pixalate, and the image will pixelate more if we don't add all of the blacks that we can. So let's take our Color Balance and let's try to get our screenshot darkened.
   midtones: +38 | +21 | -23
   shadows: -37 | -15 | +15
   lights: +20 | +32 | +63

4. You might think that our image just turned out dark again, but it's not like that, since we still have our highlights aaand our, precious, blacks. What we really need to do now is give the main colors to the picture, so let's take our Selective Coloring tool and let's paint a lot of colors which will show up better at the end of our coloring.
   reds: -100 | +20 | +45 | -10
   yellows: -100 | -100 | +100 | +100
   greens: +100 | -100 | -100 | 0
   cyan: +100 | -100 | -100 | +100
   blue: +100 | -100 | -100 | +100
   magenta: -100 | -100 | +100 | +100
   whites: +16 | -36 | +100 | +81
   neutrals: -14 | 0 | -20 | -21
Yay, we almost used all of the selective coloring tones, and we just made a mess! Ahah, no, that's not true, but we gave a perfect and colorful layer to our image, that's it :) You might think that these are a little flat, but wait until you see our work finished.

5. This step is dedicated to all our cyan and red tones. We love the cyan/blue couple, don't we? Always think first about which colors will match better to your base, and you'll already be at the half of the your work. Take the Selective Coloring tool again, and set something like:
   reds: -100 | -3 | -16 | +100
   yellows: -100 | -46 | -60 | -1
   whites: 0 | 0 | -19 | 0
   neutrals: +26 | -9 | -43 | -4

6. It looks like there's too much blue, don't you think? It's okay that we decided to play with blue colors mainly, but.. there's definetely too much blue, now. And what we need now is a shocking color layer which will mix our previous levels together. Are you ready for that?
   Layer > New fill layer > Solid color > #efb416
and set it to Soft Light, with 52% (opacity). This is a dark yellow. The next following steps will give to the coloring the last touch :)

7. We're about to define our color couple: what we have to do now is take our gradient tool, which is one of my favourite.
    Layer > New fill layer > Gradient
this is a stamp of mine to see how exactly you have to set your options (it's in italian, but still pretty understable)
    set this layer to Color burn > 100%
    Layer > New fill layer > Gradient
this is a stamp of mine to see how exactly you have to set your options (it's in italian, but still pretty understable)
    set this layer to Hard mix > 43%

Fine, you've done!
WARNING: I'm telling you that I'm not gonna protect my files anymore. In the previous posts I experimented that it's a very sad thing asking for some comments, so feel free to download this psd (this means that you won't need any password). But if you just follow this tutorial, or if you're downloading the psd could you please, please let me know? It's always frustrating when you know that there's a lot of people appreciating your tribute, but nobody's telling you.
Here is the link for this first .psd, anyway: thanks for reading this!

Here we go with the second tutorial :)
Now we'll see how to create a regular and not so colorful yellow/violet coloring. I used this screenshot from homeofthenutty's gallery.

So the tutorial will show how to transform the screenshot from this:

to this:

1. Let's open our base in Photoshop (File > Open)

2. As I said before, we always have to duplicate our base and set it to Screen, but this time we're going to do this twice, since we need a lot of lightning for the final outcome. But we're not done, since we still have to duplicate our base, again, grab it to the top and set this third copy to Overlay > 60%. That's it! There's the lightning that we needed, and all the blacks that we want. Yay!

3. Colors. Yeah. We definetely need some colors. We almost deleted all of them, by duplicating the base so much, so let's take our Selective Coloring tool and set:
   reds: -52 | +8 | +39 | +25
   yellows: -100 | -6 | +43 | 0
   whites: -55 | +1 | +100 | +62
   neutrals: 0 | +5 | 0 | -5
We're almost done with the coloring base for the shocking layers. We're just preparing our image for the next adjustments, but we need the second and last Selective Coloring layer which is, pay attention, just a copy of the previous layer! So duplicate that, and set the opacity to 38%.

4. The violet layer will be the next step. Let's take our Selective Coloring and just try to give to our image a variation: I warn you, this will be very shocking!
   reds: -31 | +4 | -43 | +10
   yellows: +100 | 0 | -35 | +4
   whites: 0 | -68 | -24 | +70
   neutrals: 0 | +7 | -21 | +14
Don't be afraid, we're going to fix this now.

5. Let's take our Color Balance. The image need some risonance and more blacks.
   midtones: +8 | +22 | -2
   shadows: -16 | +35 | +35
   lights: +34 | +28 | +11

6. This step is optional, and you can feel free to ignore it: this will give to the image that little, dark cyan fader, and will attenuate all the blacks into an almost gray layer. I prefer the coloring without this step, indeed, but I used it into the preview image. Anyway, just follow me:
   Layer > New fill layer > Solid color > #10eae2
and set this layer to Pin Light > 13% (opacity)

7. The last step and we're finished :) this will be dedicated to the final gradient, which will give to our image all of the yellow that can you see on the outcome.
   Layer > New fill layer > Gradient
this is a stamp of mine to see how exactly you have to set your options (it's in italian, but still pretty understable)
    set this layer to Linear burn > 66%

You made it!
WARNING: I'm telling you that I'm not gonna protect my files anymore. In the previous posts I experimented that it's a very sad thing asking for some comments, so feel free to download this psd (this means that you won't need any password). But if you just follow this tutorial, or if you're downloading the psd could you please, please let me know? It's always frustrating when you know that there's a lot of people appreciating your tribute, but nobody's telling you.
Here is the link for this .psd, anyway: thanks for understanding!

coloring tutorial/psd

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