soooo...are those really Alllllllll the pictures you took molly?
(where is miss molly on the merry-go-round!!!???)
here are some of my pictures from dc...
...i didn't take so many...and mine are rather pointless...
......hrm...sorry...its late
so yeah....DC
DC Trip!!!
Pei with her OTHER space boyfriend! *grins*
Pei Faces!
Tierd Peipei
Perplexed Pei
Pei....waiting....(those people are such SLOW shoppers!) *grins* JK
my lovely friends
my friends again...(straight jackets couldn't keep them still!!!)
unfortunetly i can't remember the name of this flower...but it was beautiful!
some statue thing that someone thought was cool
pretty tortoro tree!
Reflecting Triangles...or...whatever they were cool)
miss molly again :o)
KK trying to sleep on the bus
madeline being bored
sarah being......sarah
this thing was HUGE and REALLY close!
blegh...isn't that just...revolting (for those of you who are lucky enough not to know this person...its mr willetts...yeah)
mr willetts...sleeping???
abby sleeping
Caitlin's annoyed look...because the bus ride sucked
the end