Tue, 17:50: There are no small parts, just malfunctioning shrink rays.
Tue, 18:35: I don’t know much about cars, but I do understand the main factor should be picking the one which best connects to Bluetooth.
Tue, 20:29: *promoter hat* So I asked this guy for his band's rider. He paused, and, after a few minutes, I received a pair of texts--a picture of the printing on a poster that describes the band's performance as "killertacular". Dismayed? HELL no. These guys will be GOOD.
Wed, 11:21: Who HASN'T seen the best minds of their generation destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical?
Wed, 11:37: It's official: You are the dancing queen.
Wed, 13:34: I'm not saying I'm shadowbanned, but if people resist the announcement of their dancing divinity, what am I to think? https://t.co/V8Uah8K8UO
Wed, 14:40: Discretion is the better part of misunderstanding the extent to which every move you make is tracked and measured.