another memething. you can ask me for picks if you like, but expect that i will be very slow.
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick seven [or as much as you want] of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!
this is unfortunately about as typical as you can get. it's not a picture i took; it doesn't even really mean anything. i was just feeling like an icon with a backlit tree so i google image searched and pretty much made an icon out of exactly what i found.
ahahaha. this one came from some comic nancy linked me to. it was actually a picture of a guy punching the polar bear in the face, but it wouldn't all fit, so i just took the surprised look from the polar bear.
this was from a penny arcade strip about kh2. i think it was speculation? anyway, i'm not sure why "poohiroth" was created, but i put up the strip on my journal and threatened to make an icon out of it, and people took me up on it. so i did. not my best icon making; it's too cluttered. hard to tell what it is unless you already know.
i made this when i was mopey, i guess. i honestly just wanted a tree covered with snow, because i think that's one of the most exquisitely beautiful things in this world, but i added the text i-don't-know-why. i guess as aforementioned i was mopey? whatevs. i use it now when i'm feeling numb.
this one speaks for itself! i love firefly and you all should too. "you can't take the sky from me" is of course from the firefly theme song, and that is the ship right there. this icon is a little grainy. i wish i'd paid more attention to the image quality.
ohohoho. for those who don't know, this is ruka, a character from revolutionary girl utena. i don't really want to type out the whole story in case there are some who haven't seen it, but his story and the woman he truly loves are my favourite damn part of that entire show. touga gets second place though.
this last one is both cool and embarrassing. the picture is of the mandelbrot set, a visual depiction of chaos mathematics, specifically fractals. point of information: a greyscale mandelbrot set used to be the background for my entire journal, and still would be if it hadn't been on my college account and therefore purged some years ago. the idea for those who don't know is that the pattern repeats, infinitely smaller, forever. google it if you're curious. as for the text, this is the embarrassing part. i was looking for a really cool quote with "chaos" in it, and found some russian guy talking about "revolutionary chaos." i thought that was perfect, since chaos mathematics does seem to me like a revolutionary branch of science, and it was only afterwards i realized the guy was a politician, and he was talking about the chaos of the RUSSIAN revolution. oy.
there we go. if you want to describe icons, you can ask and see if i get to it. if you want to pick more of mine and have them described, comment here with the links. and now i am late to work omg! *runs*