Part of an update

Nov 20, 2011 10:17

I can't believe I'm already 5 weeks into my new job, it went by incredibly fast.  Someday it'll get old I'm sure, but I'm enjoying it so far.

I start my day at 5:45 am, get ready for an hour, drive 15 minutes to the train station, take a 45 minute train ride to Fort Worth, and then walk 6 blocks from the train station to my office. I love it.  I don't love waking up at 5:45 necessarily, but I love taking the train and having time to study or sleep or chat with one of the couple friends I've made on the train.  I like that I get SOME exercise in the day from doing my little 6 block walk.  Same with the evenings after work.

As for what I do every day, my company acquires thousands and thousands of mineral leases a year (I'm working for another oil company) and its our job to draw them digitally using this software we have and link them to the myriad of information we have about it that's in a data warehouse on our system.  I get to draw.  All day long.  I like it.  Its a little tedious sometimes, but I can do it and I enjoy it. .  And when I've paid my dues for a while I'll actually begin to get to make maps for various departments that need them.  Actual pretty maps for reference or presentations and stuff.  Then the real fun begins.
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