Dec 17, 2006 23:13
it is so goddamn cold in my apartment, i am calling the ac/heater guy TOMORROW and he will come fix it on TUESDAY. which means i somehow have to clean half of my apartment hours because i am about to go to sleep and then wake up and go to work and then not have the energy to clean when i get home and then it will be tuesday.
i hate living alone!!!!
it's gotten unbearable.
i accidentally told my mom something i possibly should not have told her, but probably should have. it will only make her worry more, and that was not intended, but i had to tell her and i don't really feel bad that i did. i just hope something good comes out of it. like my sister getting some fucking help already....
about that. it amazes me how unbalanced, fucked up people can be so aware of their fucked-upness one moment and the next be completely "fine." and then ignore the fact that they are fucked up for months on end and never do anything about it, even though they know how fucked up they are and how much they need help. i just cannot understand how that works, because when i have a problem, i have the tendency to want to fix it. and then i fix it. i just don't understand how someone can live so miserably for so long and not finally give in to getting help and getting on with it. will that day ever come?
for those of you who have no idea what i'm referring to, i'm sorry. this post will probably find you pretty pointless. but for those that have any inkling, how do you cope with the fucked up ones in your world? please give me some advice, as i am not doing the greatest job.