Aug 17, 2010 17:48
I've been up since the crack of 2PM. Watching Full House. Wondering why DJ dresses like a waitress from Olive Garden in every episode.
I'm waiting for my friend to pick me up so we can go back to Santa Cruz. You see, I travel a lot. And the best part of my travels is always reaching out to the kids. Little boys ask me, "Mister transparent_85, how can I have your life when I grow up?" And I say, well lil' guy, sometimes the babysitter will have you sell phone cards by the road and make you keep it a secret. And sometimes Mommy and Daddy are sick, and they need special medicine, and the nice doctor actually has to come over to the house and help Mommy and Daddy finish all the medicine. And sometimes you really, really want that penmanship medal but the teacher gives it to that loser kid who didn't really deserve it and all you wanted to do was hold it for a second, it was rightfully yours, and he shouldn't have run all the way out to the end of the pier and...well, I digress. My point is that my charmed life was borne of some sort of serendipitous convergence of circumstances. I can't school just anyone to walk in my shoes. Srry..