so i'm kickin' it, right? and i go in the other room to fold some clothes, and my grandma's out here talking to one of my mom's friends about giving him my kitten. she's all, "yeah, that's great! you can come pick him up in the morning. i'll be here." and all grinning and shit and i wanted to sock her in the goddamn fucking face.
she doesn't like him because 'he never gets restless and keeps her awake at night.' wtf bitch, it's a fucking four pound kitten. how loud can he fucking be? plus he's a baby, of course he's going to be constantly running around. but i mean, he'll grow out of it. oh my fucking SHEESH. eughh.
i know this sounds all pussy and whiny. but amos douchebag is my fucking sexy ass baby boy. and i'm so attatched. and now i'm never going to see him again and i'm so fucking BENT. i feel pathetic for crying over a kitty, but then again, i don't.
i'm so fucking unimaginably pissed right now. i'm going to stab somebody.
goodbye, amos fro-face douchebag.
thank you for being my adorable little hairy ass friend and being so keen to my emotions. thank you for not dying when i took you away from your mom before you were weaned and you had to live off chicken breasts and 2% milk that taylor bought for you. i'm sorry for not buying you real cat food, and i'm sorry for not realizing you had worms until your were so bloated with them that they were coming out of your butt. and i'm sorry for carting you around everywhere in that cute little animal bag, even though i think you kind of liked it a little. thank you for catching the mice and 3495350938 camel crickets, even though grandma doesn't appreciate it. thank you for providing such amusing entertainment by trying to jump far distances and missing your target and smashing into the counter instead. thank you for purring me to sleep. thank you for licking my face when i cry. thank you for listening to me bitch for hours. thank you for being so easily amused. thank you for cuddling in the crook of my arm and for being so goddamn motherfucking cute. i'm going to miss waking up with you on my tummy. and your twenty-four toes. actually, i'm just going to miss you all around. you were a good friend, babycakes. i lub you. ♥