Oct 01, 2010 04:30
Transnoctem broadcasting at 101.53, Just Another Frequency, I'm still on the move, and it's getting cold out here.
Well, what can I say. Everything has been quiet ever since the announced foray of PP and ACC into Battery City. I can only hope their silence doesn't mean the worst. I try not to dwell on that, to be honest. NAGG's station seems to be down for good.
To be honest, folks, this day of all days seems to be the bleakest. I'm not sure why. Logically, I would have expected the worst day to have been two days ago, when I caught a weird fever. It freaked me out big time, to tell you the truth. But I dealt with just fine, with a shot and a few strategically popped pills. Yesterday was fine, a lot of my happiness coming from the fact that the fever was gone. But today, it's weird. Maybe it's the cold and the radio silence that suddenly got to me?
Anyway, what have I accomplished since my leaving the base, or have I been simply burning gasoline for nothing? Well, not quite for nothing. I had two training sessions on schedule and even rescheduled the one I was due to miss, so as to minimise the lost opportunity. I sent a friend's diary to a publisher again, only to receive it back once more. Not giving up on that one just yet, though. I had an envelope with a new address ready to be sent the moment I received word from this one. I also came in brief contact with a few likely-minded individuals who, while not expressing any desire to accompany me (thank heavens), nevertheless approved of my general direction.
Speaking of direction - perhaps I have taken a temporarily leave of my senses, or maybe it was the fever's fault, or perhaps the silence from the agents got me on the edge... Whatever the reason, the result was - I travelled into Battery City yesterday. It was just as frightening as the Killjoys made it sound, and I was all too glad to leave promptly. Not before snapping a few shots of their surveillance systems, however. I made them available at an appropriately non-conformant location and hopefully, they'll be of some use to someone. If not to the Killjoys - whom I dropped a note about it, but come on, what are the chances? - then at least to other people like myself, who will know what to beware if they venture there.
Some of the mundane stuff still takes up some of my time, but abandoning certain projects would mean losing useful contacts that I worked hard to build. So I still manage to find a few hours a night to work on them. Boy, would my cooperators / employers be surprised if they knew in what conditions my work for them is being done. Had a brief row with Amnesiac, who considered the quality of my work insufficient for the situation at hand. I found it hard to explain to him that when the main ingredient you work with is basically excrement, the final product has very little chance of shining.
So, not an entirely worthless week, then? I guess. I'd better leave you again now and process some data for River Horse while the signal is clear.
transnoctem out.
battery city,
new mission,