May 31, 2009 00:10

first off, i want to thank everyone for the well wishes and good juju sent for kellen, sean and i. it means alot. we went to philly again on thursday night to stay over before a long day at the hospital. we were there for 9 hours! i will save everyone the day's entire itinerary, but basically the baby is healthy besides the aortic stenosis. he is 9 pounds and about 22 inches with long legs and a big noggin' like his mom. my amniotic fluid is low so they are taking me back in tuesday night and inducing me wednesday. immediately after he is born he will be given the prostoglandin which will keep thet extra valve open and go from there. we could be in philly for 2 weeks, it could be a month. i guess we will have to wait and see. i will be bringing my laptop with me, so hopefully after the weekend i can give everyone an update on kellen's status. i am incredibly nervous, but am also relieved that my son is going to be a strong healthy size coming out so hopefully that will help him through this. and he is my kid, so being a hell of a fighter is just in his blood to begin with. keep your fingers crossed and good thoughts continuous. we really appreciate it.
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