not really... i can't come friday to brandons.
i want to sleep away this whole week. because i dread the thought of waking up early again next week and going back to a regular work schedule.
sidenote: i'm so frustrated with the sexual miseducation happening at catholic high schools. everyone should be infuriated with the false statistics and facts given to us. we were told that condoms will not protect us from any STDs, told they have something like a 50% failure rate. the truth is condoms are 86-97% effective in avoiding pregnancies. what really upset me is that we were told birth control will is damaging and ultimately destroy a woman's uterus and was likely to not work. i had this conversation with my doctor and he was really upset that the people who are supposed to be informing us are letting us walk away with these misleading 'facts' and then complaining that the youth of today is misinformed about their sexuality.
kind of ironic...
i've kissed someone;
on the cheek.
on the lips.
on their hands or fingers.
in my room.
in their room.
of the same sex.
of the opposite sex.
younger than me.
older than me.
with jet black hair.
with curly hair.
with blonde hair.
blue eyes.
with flaming red hair.
with straight hair.
smaller/shorter than me.
bigger/taller than me.
with a lip ring.
who was drunk.
who was high.
who I had just met.
who was homosexual.
who I didn't really want to kiss.
on a holiday.
who was going out with someone else.
who was going out with someone close to me.
who was my good friend's brother or sister.
who had been/is in jail.
in a graveyard.
at a show/concert.
at the beach.
in a pool, jacuzzi, or some type of water.
who was legally too young/old for me to have sex with.
with dyed hair.
with a shaved head.
who was/is my good friend.
who was/is in a band.
who has tattoos.
who is of a completely different race than me.
in the rain.
in another continent besides where I was born.
with an accent.
with an std. -how am I supposed to know?
on a boat.
in a car/taxi/bus.
on a plane.
at the circus/carnival.
with a missing body part.
in the movies.
eskimo style.