Oct 19, 2004 16:11
"Stalkers learn never to take themselves seriously; they learn to laugh at
Florinda Matus, The Wheel of Time
"What problems do you have?" Carlos Castaneda asked his apprentices. "Think about it. What
problems do you really have?"
He said that our intent was to have problems, based on our supposed differences, such as age,
culture, or gender. Stalkers have a different intent: to experience directly the vastness of infinity, and
the best of our human possibilities. They do this by polishing their link to intent itself so that it is vital
and direct.
Intent, for the seers of don Juan's lineage, is the vibratory force in the universe that is aware of
itself, and which is the basis of everything we do. He said that we polish our link to intent through
taking responsibility for our actions, examining how we make problems, and becoming aware of the
underlying intent behind what we do and say.
...."Intent is not a thought, or an object, or a wish. Intent is what can make a man succeed when
his thoughts tell him that he is defeated. It operates in spite of the warriors' indulgence. Intent is what
makes a man invulnerable. Intent is what sends a shaman through a wall, through space, to infinity."
Don Juan Matus, The Wheel of Time