Mar 23, 2005 23:05
i suddenly feel SO sad. i hate being such a selfish person, i wish i could get the hell out of this town and state and country and just try things over again. maybe i will do something productive in college and that will be my ticket out of here. i dont even know where to go next year. i feel like im settling with U of A and MCC. maybe NAU, yeah its a crappy school but at least i will be in an enviornment that i will like. i seriously want to drop out though, im so sick of school. i really enjoy the company of my friends right now. most of them are being really cool and fun lately. today was so much fun. wendys with mitch geoff and chad plus a couple of hours of rolling around the floor with them jessica and mackenzie. i dont know why but it was just fun to me. now i need to sleep, i dont want to go to humanities anymore. i think i will ditch that class for a bit after my presentation and just tell ms demps that i have brain tumor and i cant concentrate anymore. maybe, but then i wont see MEshell.