(no subject)

Jun 27, 2007 02:37

Me & Vinny are now running a D&D campaign (the one I did for Jonni). We need a reasonable number of players whihc will be split into two groups - a city one in the city Ha'Zorba (more on that later) and a wilderness one (in the unclaimed lands - again more on that later). Basically we need your character's chosen race (from the race list - I need at least one orc/something hybrid), class and area (wilderness or city) as well as the player's available days.

Bålok (Blue) - Government: Lawful Good Monarchy, Cliamte: Very Cold - Cold/Temperate.  A predominatley Lurahal worshipping nation of humans Bålok is very insular, save for small amounts of trading and the occaisonal (and short lived) defensive campaign there is very little interaction with the outside world. The Feudal system is alive and well in this nation. Currently not at war with anyone.

Capital city: Yskelaen

Current Ruler: Queen Meredeth IX

Principal Religion: Lurahal

The Unclaimed Lands (Grey): GOvernment: NONE. Climate: Cold/Temperate - Temperate. Mainly a selectioon of nomadic tribes predomiantley either orc or centaur this chaotic land of rolling hills and dense forests has nevertheless managed to survive all attempts at conquering or taming it. The most permanant structures tend to be wooden hillforts which can last up to a century but generally only stay for a few decades as the tribe chooses to move on to more fertile hunting/farming ground. The races that have major tribes within this area are: Orcs, Centaurs, Goblins, Hobgoblins and Bugbears. Merefolk also inhabit the shoreline.

The Free City Of Ha'Zorba (and outlying regions): Government: Predominantley Chaotic Neutral, Merchant lords & Guildmasters. The city itself is a massive urban sprawl contained within impressive walls (which are knocked down and moved every few years). Life in the city is complicated by an extremely flexible legal system with fluctuating laws - whoever has the vote of the council that month can change pretty much what s/he wants. Mixed with this is the constant danger of invasion by either Dru'reck or The Empire of Flame which leads ultimately for a scary and confusing life. Balancing this is the fact that the city is a place where one can do or aquire *anything*, not necessarily legally but it is possible.

The outlying regions tend to be comprised mainly of the things required to keep the city going: acres and acres of farmland, thousands of diminishing forests and an impressive, though similarly depleting, range of mountains riddled with mines.

Principal Religion: Yskian

Dru'reck (Purple): Government: Lawful Neutral Monarchy. Climate: Cold/Temperate to Warm. Dru'reck is a sprawling nation with a wide range of climates and habitats - as such it has a wide variety of races, beasts and animals as natives. THough a predominatley human nation a lot of influence in Dru'reck is held by elves and as such orc and gobliniod species have a rough time - although not as bad as in The Empire of Flame - they tend to be treated as second class citizens with limited rights and are often used as scapegoats (Violent crime? it's the Orcs. Spate of thefts? Goblins.). Dru'reck has on and off wars with The Empire of Flame but is otherwise fairly peaceful.

Capital City: Krelokstone

Current Ruler: King Helden II

Principal Religion: Hygarl (God of Order) [Yskian]

The Empire of Flame (Red): Government: Lawful Evil Autocracy. Climate: Very Cold to Warm. The Crimson Empire is HUGE, if it was spread out more it could be said that the sun never sets upon it. The empire itself is, of course, made up of many smaller nations but their individual cultures, languages and so on are soon assimilated or destroyed until, a few generations later, they're simply part of the empire. Though sprawling and prosperous it is not a happy place to inhabit. It has on and off wars with Dru'reck but if it managed to win these it would definately be at war with any other of the nations.

Capital City: Hak

Current Ruler: Empress Develt

Principal Religion: Semiah

Frykant (Orange): GOvernment: Chaotic Neutral Chieftan Climate: Temperate warm - Hot. In their prehistory the people of Frykant were a selection of warlike tribes in a state of perpetualt conflict but growing pressures from the nearby states forced them to unite under a high priest of Krun'Grok. Slowly they built a strong nation of warrior-citzens. Today they represent the most powerful and loyal of mercernaries- as long as the cause is worthwhile and a challange. Most other states avoid war with Frykant as it would result in every man woman and child turning against them.

Capital City: Krun'Grok

Current Leader: Ha’Jarakat Tor Gruzmak

Principal Religion: Krun'Grok

Elf (Usually evil)
Or half breeds:
Half Orc/Half Bugbear
Half Orc/Half Celestia
Half Orc/Half Dragon
Half Orc/Half Fiend:
Half Orc/Half Giant
Half Orc/Half Goblin
Half Orc/Half Nymph:
Half Orc/Half Ogre
Half Orc/Half Sprite
Half Orc/ Half Human
Half Elf/Half Human
Half Elf/Half Celestial
Half Elf/Half Dragon:
Half Elf/Half Fiend
Please reply.


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