I'm back from my travels

Apr 07, 2007 12:35

I have neither updated nor seen anyone for quite a while, mostly because I've had to do a few things with family over the past few days. It's not that I don't like my family it's just I feel I missed out on a few things over this part of the Holiday. Still I hope that explains why I haven't been obsessively updating my journal/ commenting on yours.

People who have a go at others for lying are hypocrites, I discovered whilst away. Everyone seems to lie almost constantly during social interaction. Little things like "I don't mind if you say no" or the like. This type of dishonesty is apparently acceptable because they don't call it 'lying' they call it 'being polite'. I am incredibly guilty of being polite a lot of the time, I will say things like "I'm fine, thanks" when it isn't polite to start on a long rant about how I feel, but I'm trying to cut this out because I lie too much anyway. So there, everyone is a liar.

I had a little fun whilst away though, I got to do some ale tasting for example - honey porter is awesome and the smell reminds me of honey on toast, the taste does that a little as well. Grapefruit is a weird thing to put in a beer but it works, somehow.

Maybe later I'm going to see what people are doing, it's a nice day today. I could go outside.


things i do, whining

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