[Free For All] No generic Christmas song lyrics, thx.

Dec 18, 2009 17:48

[OMG, it's a snow day. Come enjoy it with other random people. |D Or not. Or hate on the very sight of snow and be bitter about it like Phase is doing.]

tenten, sync, sasuke, morgan, actionnnn, free for all, zelos the idiot chosen, anise, lloyd, luke, ion, x-23, mikoto

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tooprettysrsly December 19 2009, 02:36:04 UTC
[...Definitely among the hating and bitter crowd.]

[Doesn't look happy at all to be out in this stuff, though thanks to the cloak he's wearing, it doesn't look like his displeasure stems from being cold.]

[+ ttly looking for the nearest building, fyi]


Speaking of angst and drama, we can do that Zelos WAS at Flanoir for this one, Y? :D mynameisnotbud December 19 2009, 04:09:23 UTC
[ttly sees u thar; also sees that bit of dislike -- or maybe he senses it, rather, because he's perceptive when he wants/REALLY needs to be, and actually knowing the cause certainly helps. But he's not jumping in on or adding to the drama unless he has sufficient reason, SO~ have a friendly smile as he calls over]

Hey! Zelos!


Works for me. :]b tooprettysrsly December 19 2009, 06:24:17 UTC
[His expression goes from the previous scowl to a cold, closed off sort of blankness before twisting into an atypically awkward approximation of a smile...because Lloyd knows about his past, and it's not normal for people to know what he's really thinking about when he watches the snow fall. He's not entirely sure what to do here, and feels pretty damn vulnerable, which he hates...but it's Lloyd, he trusts the guy, and if he can't be at least mostly honest around his BFF, who will he ever manage to be honest around?]

Hey bud. [unusually subdued, but not unfriendly]


mynameisnotbud December 20 2009, 03:39:41 UTC
[moves over beside him, his face flushed with the cold and not seeming to notice the difference] I'm gonna get something to eat. Wanna come?


tooprettysrsly December 20 2009, 03:50:30 UTC
[facing forward again, not looking at you, or anything really]

...Sorry. I'm not hungry right now.


mynameisnotbud December 20 2009, 05:20:04 UTC
Oh. [Not easily daunted, though, and doesn't really believe in that whole having-time-to-yourself-to-angst thing. So he's not leaving you alone easily.]

[Buuuut isn't going to pretend everything's fine when it's obviously not, either] ...You okay?


tooprettysrsly December 20 2009, 05:51:29 UTC
[...Let's see if you were really listening that day, and if you were, how much you actually remembered; knows you tend to get bored with things fast, so.]

There some reason I shouldn't be?

[lol ttly didn't answer your question]


mynameisnotbud December 20 2009, 06:07:24 UTC
[frowns; if this is some sort of backslide, it hurts, man.] I'm serious, Zelos.


...Heh, their icons kinda match. |D tooprettysrsly December 20 2009, 06:22:30 UTC
[gives a small sigh as he thinks] ...So you do remember. At least enough to be concerned, anyway...

[Well fine. If you're serious, then I'll let you have it.]

...It's just hard not to think about certain things sometimes. I spend so much time running away from it all, that when I'm finally faced with something like this-- [kicks at the snow halfheartedly] --it's pretty impossible to ignore it, at least for a while.


BFF matching icons! /o/ mynameisnotbud December 21 2009, 01:13:12 UTC
[isn't entirely sure if Zelos is looking for an opinion or just someone to listen to him; being able to relate somewhat and being who he is, though, he decides to give him both] ...That's normal, if you ask me. And there's nothing wrong with avoiding it if it makes you unhappy.


WONDER TWINS POWERS ACTIVATE! (Z: "FORM OF A CHICK MAGNET!" >D *promptly pelted w/ barnyard fowl*) tooprettysrsly December 21 2009, 02:35:10 UTC
I thought I wasn't supposed to be running away anymore. Pretty hard to avoid something when it's all around you like this, though.

...Kinda a shame, too. I really used to love the stuff. I'd always wanted to see it for real, and then...well, you know.

[starts to wave it off flippantly, then stops, because he might as well say what he's thinking while he's got someone to really listen to him]

...I know saying "maybe" doesn't do any good, and that it can't change anything, but that doesn't always stop you from thinking about it anyway. And who knows? I mean, maybe if I hadn't gone out, if I'd stayed inside and studied all day instead like I was supposed to, none of it would have happened. Or maybe it would've happened differently, on another day.

[small, cynical smirk] Maybe I wouldn't even be here right now.


XD ....Oh, jeez, you got Lloyd going. mynameisnotbud December 21 2009, 04:25:21 UTC
Stop it. [his expression's hard now, not really angry as much as it frustrated -- because we are not going back to this and we talked about this already and I don't want to see you going through the same thing I did after what happened to Iselia--] You're damn right it won't change anything! Hating something because of a bad memory is one thing, but thinking like that--

[shakes his head. Damn it, Zelos.] ...You can't--blame yourself for something like that in the first place!


\o/ SCORE! ...I mean, uh, OH, WHOOPS. |D tooprettysrsly December 21 2009, 04:39:08 UTC
[Talking about something once doesn't mean it just goes away forever. And he's been a lot better about feeling like this, really, but after thinking like that for so long before Lloyd & Co. came along...]

Heh. Looks like I pissed you off again, huh?


mynameisnotbud December 22 2009, 02:25:07 UTC
[not amused. at all. And your lighthearted way around the matter isn't helping.] Augh, are you trying to?! How can you still think like that after all that's happened?


......I...never got a notif for this tag...as well as a few others. D: tooprettysrsly December 27 2009, 21:04:56 UTC
[Don't you know by now that I only laugh to keep from folding in on myself and breaking down? That would just be way too uncool. I'm not THAT pathetic, especially not any more, now that I'm Sorta Valuable. |D]

Whoa whoa whoa, calm down, man! I don't think like that now.

[slightly awkward smile is still slightly awkward, though the attempt at bluster is still there at the end]

...Most of the time, anyway. Old habits can be hard to break, and no one's perfect after all, even if I do come pretty damn close.


D: -Sword Rains LJ- mynameisnotbud December 28 2009, 23:48:51 UTC
[stares at him, not entirely satisfied but enough to bite back a bit. He only snaps because he cares, and even if he can relate, you've had the privilege of several Lloyd Speeches, and so falling back to that is totally unacceptable as long as I'm around.]

...It's just... You don't have to deal with stuff like that alone, all right? [srs face is ttly srs] I said I'd listen. I meant it.


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