[Sasuke] It only hurts when your eyes are open

Nov 27, 2009 16:05

[Part Four Two of the Orochisuke thread. After making amends with Mikoto and Sakura, Sasuke can be found wandering the halls, glancing here and there as he goes. Still powerless, but that doesn't stop him from seeking out those he's hurt.]

[A day later and Sasuke's back to normal. Feel free to come kick his ass, Tenten guilt him up. Or down. Or ( Read more... )

mogget, tenten, sasuke, trc!sakura, x-23, ion, morgan

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Comments 162

He was thiiiiiiis close to just getting tackled to the ground and stabbed for the hell of it... kunoichi_dragon November 27 2009, 21:49:49 UTC
*throws his sword with amazing speed and force so that it embeds itself into the ground right where he was about to step* You dropped this...


XD his_light November 27 2009, 23:57:23 UTC
*stops dead, quickly looking over*

... *business mixing with feelings here, orz*

...You've recovered. *yeaaah, that's all he can manage*


He's still not safe from stabbing, actually... kunoichi_dragon November 28 2009, 00:13:31 UTC
*Recovered. Yeah. Sure. Minus the nick in her chin, the snake bites and burns from when they tried to constrict her to death, the cuts in her exposed shoulder - you owe her a new overshirt, btw, preferably not covered in snake blood and guts - both from Oro and his freakin' snakes, of course. Resists from vocalizing her sarcastic comments though.*

*Is actually up in the rafters somewhere looking down on him, seated on a wooden beam and leaning back against a wall; one foot dangled over the edge while the other one rested on the beam.* So you're back.


his_light November 28 2009, 04:07:14 UTC
*that usual authoritative tone of his? All but gone now as he nods* ...Since yesterday.

*glances at his sword, but doesn't reach for it*


a_tiny_sunshine November 27 2009, 22:00:47 UTC
[you'll have to really be looking for her, because she's in that field full of flowers, sprawled out on her back in the tall, sweet-smelling grass and smiling up at the clouds peacefully, almost sleepily, a half-completed crown of woven daisies at her side]

[...also, not visibly injured at all, hurrah for magics |D]


his_light November 27 2009, 23:59:38 UTC
*eventually his wandering takes him far enough, but even then he just lingers on the edge of the field, watching her idly. Unsure if it's really his place to even approach her and now you knooooow he feels awful*


{1/3} I think~ a_tiny_sunshine November 28 2009, 00:07:21 UTC
{2/3} a_tiny_sunshine November 28 2009, 00:08:00 UTC
[goes very still where she's lying, and then suddenly sits up, scanning the area but looking almost right at Sasuke almost immediately]


...Yeeeeeah, I'm ttly going to take advantage of every chance I get to have these two interact. 8D; weapon_xx November 27 2009, 22:44:16 UTC
[watches him, noting how he's looking around as if he's actively searching rather than simply taking in his surroundings in his usual alert but reserved manner]

[Facial expression and stiffness of gait suggests guilt and reluctance. He is looking for something--or more likely, someone.]

You are looking for someone. [as always, it's more a statement than a question]


XD DOOO EEET his_light November 28 2009, 04:08:42 UTC
*stops and glances over; if he weren't used to her blatant observations by now, he still wouldn't be in any mood to be annoyed by it this time*

...A few people.


<333 8] weapon_xx November 28 2009, 04:13:35 UTC
Do you require assistance in locating your targets?

[lolll SO AWKWARD at trying to be helpful |D]


his_light November 28 2009, 06:23:34 UTC
*recognizes the helpful!offer, awkward though it does indeed sound*

...No. *but it's not a "UH NO I CAN DO IT MYSELF" no. It's a guilty no, a refusal because it's his own responsibility. ...And there are really too many to drag her around.*

*but have something of a grateful acknowledging nod as he slowly keeps moving*


{1/2} the_mccutie November 27 2009, 22:46:17 UTC
{2/2} the_mccutie November 27 2009, 22:50:09 UTC
*he's acting emo guilt-stricken standoffish like normal, which means he probably IS back to normal, but regardless of that, she whips her squeaky hammer out again just in case*

*...still, is never one to miss an opportunity to annoy tease~*

Whasamatter Orochi-baby, ya back fer more?!


his_light November 28 2009, 04:10:04 UTC
...*stop CALLING him that*

*is sure he doesn't have to really explain anything to her, so.* ...He was subdued again. It's me.


the_mccutie November 28 2009, 04:16:22 UTC
*hmmmmmNOPE 83*

*giggles* Orochi-baby wasn't very good at pretendin' ta be you, but~ better safe than sorries, so--prove its!


lolol /MUSE DOGPILE~ hold_the_fon November 28 2009, 00:03:39 UTC
[passes you in the hallway~]

Ah! Hello, Sasuke!


/o/ his_light November 28 2009, 04:20:38 UTC
*looks at, but rather distantly, and just nods slightly in response -- but hey, a nod that defined is more than usual*


\o\ \o\ \o\ \o\ hold_the_fon November 28 2009, 04:37:07 UTC
Thank you for your help the other day. I might have been lost in that forest for hours if you hadn't come along.


I'll probably throw a few more at you after some of these finish up. |D hold_the_fon November 28 2009, 04:38:10 UTC
[pauses, eyes scanning his face closely, his own growing concerned]

...If you don't mind my asking...is something wrong?


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