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onthejuice March 28 2012, 16:37:53 UTC
"Dust and cobwebs is about right ( ... )


zerosuitjill March 28 2012, 17:21:03 UTC
Jill listened without comment as she moved on, finding one more door beyond the current room: a bathroom, as it turned out. Or more like a closet that only just managed to fit a sink, toilet, and a dirty, cracked mirror above the former. She exhaled quietly, making sure her mic didn't pick up the sound ( ... )


onthejuice March 28 2012, 17:54:02 UTC
"Yeah, we can try." Chris fought to push a little of his own optimism into his voice. "Maybe the first time around shook something loose, jogged some memories." Stranger things had happened. Far stranger ( ... )


zerosuitjill March 28 2012, 19:50:57 UTC
Jill considered Chris' commentary as she headed back into the hall. "You're probably onto something. Hell, who knows -- it really could be a couple coincidences all at once." With the bottom line being that Zhizn was nowhere to be found at the moment ( ... )


onthejuice March 28 2012, 20:32:41 UTC
Chris bit his tongue. He didn't like it but he knew the procedures as well as she did-- and he knew Jill. Every now and then he wished that maybe things were different between them; she was one of the most important people in his life but his life was just this... and there was less than time for anything else. Jill was the same way. It wasn't something that he dwelled on, no need to. He had the best partner in the business and they did good work. Great work. Chris wouldn't want anyone else covering his back ( ... )


1/4 @_@ zerosuitjill March 28 2012, 22:21:28 UTC
"Roger that. Rendezvous at six."

With her heavy coat as tight and sealed as it could be, Jill started back down the first path, still alert, watching and listening. Her gun stayed drawn, although she kept it lowered and her shoulders weren't as tense. Aside from any (unlikely, at this point) terrorists, there was only wildlife to consider, but even some of the larger carnivores in the region were said to steer clear of humans most of the time. That didn't apply for any infected wildlife, she was aware, and so she kept her eyes and ears open.

The break in the path was about a third of the way back: veering off to the east at a nearly ninety degree angle, it immediately took a sharp dive downhill, where stray branches and fallen trees began to clutter and choke it. Minding her footing, Jill picked her way down it at a decent pace, unable to help the echoing snap here and there as she stepped on a hidden twig. It sounded unnaturally loud to her above average hearing, but it couldn't be helped except to try and pick her footing a bit ( ... )


2/4 STFUUUUU zerosuitjill March 28 2012, 22:23:13 UTC
It was a twenty-foot drop, give or take, or rather a slide if you worked your way down the bank. For a few heartbeats, Jill saw nothing, and was considering moving closer when a small movement caught her eye and her breath froze. Less than a stone's throw away was a figure: male, going by the physique, dressed in white camo and crouching with his back to her, luckily. An assault rifle was slung across his back -- AK-47, it looked like -- and as she watched, he holstered another weapon at his side, and Jill caught a glimpse of an elongated barrel -- a silencer, as she'd guessed. The man was preoccupied with something in front of him, but she couldn't make it out around his bulk; after a tense few seconds, he suddenly stood, and Jill ducked back a bit. It was unnecessary, as he was preoccupied with a satchel he was lifting, grunting and swinging it over his shoulder in a way that said it had considerable weight. He took a step forward with his burden, and any intention of calling out to him died in Jill's throat ( ... )


3/4 YOU SAID YOU LOVED DEERS, REMEMBER zerosuitjill March 28 2012, 22:25:58 UTC
Tracking him without being seen was, at best, difficult and time-consuming, but Jill managed, and she didn't have far to go. At one point the man passed over a river, not yet entirely frozen, and its noise helped cover some of Jill's as well as provide her with more snowless ground to walk on. She wasn't sure what to expect, but it wasn't what she found. The man led her to the base of one of the mountains, and at that point she figured he would head into some kind of hidden cave entrance.

She didn't expected him to lead her down a path, into the beginnings of a ravine, and around to a small plateau on which there was... nothing. Just a blank wall, with a couple large boulders leaning against it. Crouched behind one of the large rocks littering the area, Jill watched: the man set his burden down, and then leaned over to push aside the branches of one of the small, thorny bushes. Without warning, there was a low, piercing beeping sound, making her tense and look over her shoulder -- and when she looked back, she could only stare as ( ... )


4/5 I LIED oh FML zerosuitjill March 28 2012, 22:34:18 UTC
It was dark inside. She could make out a long hall, punctuated every few yards by a fluorescent lamp. She didn't have long to look, though -- the voices behind her, now heard through the open door, suddenly paused. One spoke, and then again, louder, as if in a call ( ... )


5/5 EVEN LJ IS LAUGHING AT ME ;; zerosuitjill March 28 2012, 23:35:56 UTC
She'd leapt into a laboratory, it seemed. A pretty large-scale one, littered with tables and various machinery, some of which she recognized but most of which she didn't. She couldn't see the entire room for that reason, but no one seemed to be present. Walking quickly, Jill made her way through, searching for ( ... )


albert__wesker March 29 2012, 17:31:51 UTC
Through the darkness there were footsteps ( ... )


....GDI, Jill [1/2] B( zerosuitjill March 30 2012, 12:38:32 UTC
Somewhere in the back of Jill's mind, hidden beneath stubbornness, optimism, and present concerns, she had always known, maybe, that Wesker wasn't truly dead.

His apparent end off the coast of Africa -- it hadn't been convincing, for one. Not entirely. Not for her. Jill didn't like to make assumptions when it came to danger, and considering Wesker had been one of the greatest dangers the world had ever known, something about his disappearance never sat well with her. It had been too convenient, too open-ended; only the sight of his corpse would have really, fully put her fears to rest.

It hadn't been convincing, but more than that, even, was that kind of end -- it hadn't... it hadn't been him. However she chose to describe it, however she chose to look at it, the fact of the matter was that Jill knew Wesker. She knew him personally, physically, as both an ally and an enemy; she knew him better than anyone still alive, possibly better than anyone who had ever lived, period. Wesker was a man who lived, breathed, and killed for his ( ... )


[2/2] I cannot help that her anger thrives on the deerz ;; zerosuitjill March 30 2012, 12:41:33 UTC
Not a small, quiet snap, either, but the kind of violent, blood-pumping, thought-clouding explosion of rage, remorse, frustration, anger, guilt, hurt, disappointment, doubt, anxiety, fury, memory--

The logical, collected side of Jill wanted to shrink back and away and let her emotions take over, forgetting her present danger and giving in to every sense of base, primal instinct that came with being human.

The part of her that remembered those horrible, helpless three years wanted to sneer and ask him how the fuck it felt to be on the other side, wanted to demand if the ends justified the means now and whether all his pain and suffering would be worth it simply because someone stronger than him believed it would make him better--

The part of her that still woke up shaking, sometimes crying in the middle of the night was willing to sacrifice any chance at escape if it meant making sure he died this time -- could he handle a clip full of bullets to the head at point blank range? Coupled with a slit throat and wrists and a battle knife ( ... )


*pets the deerz fondly* albert__wesker March 30 2012, 17:07:58 UTC
It was clear, despite the smile for her presence in his shifting version of reality, that Wesker was not lucid. He didn't react to that startling unhuman shift of her facial features that otherwise would have delighted him to see break to the surface as instinct-- instinct he had given her. His bright eyes unfocused and closed and the fingers of his right hand curled into as tight a fist as he could manage. His arm felt like fire and the pain cleared some of the fog ( ... )


the deerz love you zerosuitjill March 30 2012, 17:38:11 UTC
Still set in her tense poise, Jill didn't react to his words -- just watched, observed, thought, and considered. Wesker didn't look terrible by average standards, but compared to his standard, the effect of whatever he'd been subjected to was obvious. His mental state aside, the bonds, the cruel lack of clothing, the bandage from where they'd done something unpleasant -- they painted a clear enough picture ( ... )


albert__wesker March 30 2012, 18:06:34 UTC
It took a moment for Wesker to focus on-- pain and the groan of metal and the smell of laboratories and Bill could have been standing there with his nay-says and his shaking hands as he couldn't pull the trigger and Wesker had to take the gun, warm from sweaty hands, and aim at that spot just between-- determined eyes. Blue eyes.

Look how close she was, voluntarily. His own impotence galled suddenly and violently and Wesker snarled, his arms jerking in bonds that groaned and held as his body stiffened against the current being pushed into it. Muscles on his neck stood out with the strain and then sagged down as the cycle disarmed and he could breath again; his eyes closed. His pulse beat in time to the thunder against the door. The door. Cyrillic.

"Sergei's bastard," he breathed out. He fought to stay here with the pounding instead of slipping back into the waiting arms of his memories. His muscles were still slightly spasmodic in the afterglow of the electricity, twitching. Think.With effort, Wesker's eyes turned to Jill. Think. ( ... )


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