[Free For All] Cookin' Up A Double-Batch Of Trouble XD

Oct 03, 2010 16:57

[This, here, is an innocent, unassuming kitchen. It could be found pretty much anywhere-an inn somewhere on Terca Lumireis, a particularly nice house in Konoha, an abandoned restaurant on modern-day Earth, the school kitchen at a certain magical (or cursed~?) boarding school…anywhere ( Read more... )

judith, trc!sakura, don't let flynn cook!!!, anise, explosions are imminent, luke, a disaster waiting to happen, sync, sasuke, come and get it, a feeling of doom, morgan, flynn, get back in the kitchen, the seekrit ingredient = love, deidara, free for all, mmmm angst cookies, yuri, misa, ion, emotional abuse ftw forever, someone has a sweet tooth~

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...Bawwww my Anise account = no longer Paid, so almost all my icons are inactive :< for_money_honey October 4 2010, 17:11:08 UTC
[And heeeeeere's cute little Anise, happily puttering around the kitchen! And it smells good in there--she's making a nice cream stew, and baking some bread, and she also has some milk warming on the stove in preparation for making hot cocoa.]

[Oh, won't she make a great housewife some day? Won't whoever marries her be so lucky?? Won't she have her pick of rich, handsome lords when she gets just a little older??? ...And if you didn't answer 'yes' to all those questions, NO SOUP FOR YOU. v.v]


Awww. Your remaining ones are so pretteh, though. <3 tactical_leader October 4 2010, 18:03:05 UTC
[And Luke here is just hungry enough to pay you a compliment as he walks in and sees you |D]

Should've figured--no wonder it smells so good!


TY but ERGH why's it always take the LAST 14 ICONS (+ the default) instead of the first 14? B| for_money_honey October 4 2010, 18:33:48 UTC
[Awwww yeah, compliments from a still-possible-target, should things somehow not work out with Tear. >3 Though...she still hopes things DO work out, even if they're both REALLY sort of clueless...]

Hee hee~! ♥ Oh, Luke, you're making me blush! ♥

[And then a bit more slyly--]

I guess Guy finally taught you how important compliments are to a lady, huh?


...Because it's all a scheme? B| /makes note to rearrange some muses' icons tactical_leader October 5 2010, 22:37:11 UTC
Hey, I know that much! [He's just. Never had a reason to care.

BUT THAT IS INSIGNIFICANT atm and he's looking towards the counter] What're you making?


To make you...want to go back to a paid account? for_money_honey October 6 2010, 01:33:13 UTC
Could've fooled me~ ♪

[But AH, yes, the food!]

Cream stew and wheat bread! And we'll have cake for dessert.


Exactly. >| tactical_leader October 8 2010, 18:05:32 UTC
[Aw yeeeeaaaaah he loves her stew. |D And cake. ...and kinda. Most of what she makes, really.] All right!

[He glances around the kitchen, buuuut they do indeed seem to be alone] Anyone else coming to eat?


BASTARDS. >| for_money_honey October 8 2010, 20:43:16 UTC

[Her usually-upbeat personality falters for just a moment as she focuses particularly hard on stirring the stew. She thought she saw Ion around earlier, but...she couldn't have, right? And well, if she did...there was no way she could just approach him like normal, was there? Not after...not after what she'd done.]

[But she turns her usual bright smile on Luke.]

I dunno! You're the only person I've seen around today! Though~ I sorta hoped some people would notice the smell and find it too irresistible to keep away.

[...So basically, Luke, right now you're the Catch of the Day. |3]


I KNOW IT. >||| tactical_leader October 8 2010, 23:47:12 UTC
[And if he starts to think something of her pause, it's lost when she bounces back. He just grins and gestures at the food she's accumulated thus far.] Heh, well, more for us, right?

[And even he knows that Anise's food is best not screwed with--at least not screwed with by him, okay yes he knows he sucks 8[--BUT you never know what you can do, so--] Need help with anything?


;^; ...I have the perfect icon for this tag...but this one'll have to do since it's Anise+Luke. for_money_honey October 9 2010, 00:00:10 UTC
[She doesn't NEED help with anything, no...but she likes to see Luke put to work, SO. |3]

Well~ If you really want to, I guess you could help me make the cocoa! But you have to follow my directions exactly or no deal~ ♪


LOL that face of hers XD It's a cat face or smth. tactical_leader October 9 2010, 02:00:38 UTC
[WELL HEY maybe he can learn something then. That's right, we're being optimistic. See that, Tear?] Okay. Can't be that hard, though, right?


/LOVES THAT ICON TOO XD & hee~ it HAD to be cocoa..'cause of his convo w/ Ion in the Snow Day thread for_money_honey October 9 2010, 02:13:23 UTC
Right! First, break up this bar of chocolate, and drop it into the milk! Make sure they're not too big, and be careful not to splash the milk everywhere.



Oh, yes. I ttly caught it. |D tactical_leader October 9 2010, 02:51:46 UTC
Got it. [Easy enough! He does as told whoooo, lookithim feeling all professional |D, and the first drop does splash a bit, but the next go smoothly.] Not so bad. [fffff and Ion was worried] Next?


\o/ ...Anise-muse is so ACCESSABLE ffff I miss playing her...& my Guy-mun ;~; for_money_honey October 9 2010, 02:58:50 UTC
Now add this sugar, and then keep stirring until the chocolate's melted, the sugar's dissolved, and the whole thing is starting to boil!

[& just in case, b/c she knows ur game]

...And don't turn up the heat any higher, either. Keep it the way it is!


/pat pats tactical_leader October 9 2010, 22:28:40 UTC
[...And the hand that was reaching for the heat-knob abruptly pulls back again. |D If anything, he's slightly annoyed that she called him out that quickly.] All right, all right...


/needs to try harder in dragging him over here, I guess... |3 for_money_honey October 10 2010, 00:47:52 UTC
...And keep stirring, too!

And after it boils, add that other little container of milk, and let it get warm, but don't let it boil again.


Hee doooo eeeeet tactical_leader October 15 2010, 15:48:38 UTC
[Does so, yes, Ma'am.

And then, curiously because WOW she doesn't even need to look at instructions for all this] Did you make this recipe yourself?


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