Wow, it's been awhile

Jul 16, 2009 12:47

Got caught up in gaming and, sadly, being sick for...4 weeks now? I am displeased with this whole coughing myself (figuratively) to death thing. Today I was loaded up with a ton and a half of homeopathic meds (since pharmaceuticals of a more scientific nature have not really helped), and a humidifier. Which somehow amuses me.

Lol, LS (the mod of Oblivion and LoM) and I ended up in, get this, a discussion about circumcision. Which mostly was punctuated by "EW" and "I would not [insert sexual act] with an 'Unfuckatble." Oh, and this whole thing that involved some comment by South Korean doctors and how it related to Daniel Dae Kim being sexy. I have no clue, lol, but it was a hilarious conversation.

Spent far too much time on Wikipedia, giggling and ewing all the while. Was a good start to my day.

And then found this gem:

In the 1920s, Havelock Ellis reported that turn-of-the-century seamstresses using treadle-operated sewing machines could achieve orgasm by sitting near the edge of their chairs

Which I say, "Go them!" to. And...

Italian gynecologists Giorgio Giorgi and Marco Siccardi observed via ultrasound a female fetus masturbate to orgasm.

Which I say o.0 to.

real life can suck, being sick, oblivion, holy hell

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