Crack For Cain 13

Jul 03, 2008 23:39

Character/Pairings: Cain
Rating: G

Warnings/Spoilers: None
Summary: Crack!Fic, it could be really horrible. I'd have no idea. I am exhausted.
Disclaimer: I own nothing in the Tin Man 'verse. Nothing and no one. Because (at the moment) I'm playing only with the Sci-Fi original characters.
By: transgenic_girl

To the office of the Captain of Royal Security, Wyatt Cain, former Tin Man.

The following occurred between 1800 and 1900 Finaquan time...

This transcript was procured at great cost to the informant. Seriously, there were tears. And he was later found wandering the halls proclaiming  ‘donde esta mis pantalones?’

Female voice one: They have strict orders to keep us out of there...

Female voice two (interrupting): I swear, one time we borrow a bottle or two and spiked the punch at the latest ball... (voice trails off)

Female voice one: and you know I completely blame you for that. You were the one who wouldn’t stop giggling long enough for us to get away.

Female voice two (pouting tone): I’m sorry, it was just too hilarious. I mean, come on, Glitch tried to pull the Queen into a tango.

Female voice three (exasperated, voice raised): Ladies! (voice returns to a normal level) Now, focus. How are we going to get the needed supplies? (the informant made a note here that the last word was heavily emphasized)

[all three females gasp in unison]

All female voices: the Munchkins!

Female voice two: DG mentioned a good will mission to the Eastern Guild...

Female voice one (interrupting): ...something about helping them rebuild their villages.

Female voice three: And they are known for their...

The transcript ended suddenly there, as the informant was discovered at that moment. Or, at least that is what we suspect, as he has mysteriously come down with a case of zipper of the mouth whenever questioned about it. The healers are flummoxed.

crack for cain

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