Crack For Cain 7/?

Feb 28, 2008 01:47

Character/Pairings: Cain/DG

Rating: PG?

Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for entire mini-series

Summary: Crack!Fic, it could be really horrible. I'd have no idea. I need sleep.

Disclaimer: I own nothing in the Tin Man 'verse. Nothing and no one. Because (at the moment) I'm playing only with the Sci-Fi original characters.

By: transgenic_girl

Wyatt Cain was keeping a close eye on DG’s Ladies-in-Waiting. After falling into their last trap and kissing DG, he’d backed off, murmuring apologies. He’d completely missed the hurt look she’d gotten, in his haste to escape the room.

The next day the maids had loudly complained about the popcorn that had been thrown around the Ladies’ usual seats around DG’s in her sitting room. Cain pretended not to know the significance of that seemingly random event. That obviously the Princess had told her friends about what had happened, and that it had been met with…displeasure.

All day long, almost every day, he felt the sensation of being watched. But the instant he turned around, he’d find nothing there. Once he caught a glimpse of brightly colored fabric disappearing around a corner. That led him to order three guards to each follow one of DG’s Ladies.

The first, Daniels, was assigned to the only Lady with the somewhat normal name. He reported that she spent at least an hour in the infirmary daily. He reluctantly obeyed Cain’s further order to follow the woman into the medical wing, if only to find out what was wrong with her.

Ten minutes after being sent out, Daniels returned. He was red-faced and refused to meet his superior’s eyes. After Cain had glared at the other man and barked at him to report, Daniels finally admitted what he’d walked in on. Cain’s cousin Stephen, who was one of the Healers who worked in the Palace, and Voice-Of-Reason he’d been ordered to followed. Together, sans clothing.

The second guard, Jacobson, was assigned to the smallest ie shortest Lady. Spiral, or whatever she was called. She seemed to spend the hour or two a day that she was alone, deep in the Kitchens. And then in the Guard’s cafeteria. Jacobson reported back that the pie she made was delicious. Berry pie being her specialty.

Cain looked at the guard critically. His lips were stained blue. And it looked like his uniform had been hastily rebut toned. Something was off there, but Cain’s head was pounding to hard for him to properly concentrate. ‘Just go.’

The third guard, Allen, had tried to avoid Cain, but failed. The other palace guards had locked him out of the lounge. He still jiggled the doorknob in a last desperate hope, but finally gave up with a sigh and decided to take it like a man. Watching the whole scene unfold with amusement, Cain strode towards him and ordered him to give his report of the day.

The Lady with the oddest name, the one that wasn’t even a whole word, had had an eventful day. First she’d had a ‘wizard duel’ with the other two ladies, and had fallen over a large log when the oldest of the three had hit her with a spectacularly difficult bit of magic. After heading to the Infirmary, where the ‘vile betrayer’ as she’d been dubbed by the other two had abandoned them for unknown reasons, the younger two went off in search of further adventure.

They had then proceeded to create scorecards and organized a ‘Judge His Rear’ contest. This somehow involved dropping several objects, waiting for somehow to pick it up, then cock their head to the side to get a good view. After an hour, growing bored while still waiting for DG to get out of her classes, they split up. Spiral headed to the Kitchens, while Not-A-Word headed off towards the lake.

Allen refused to explain what exactly that had to do with the fact that he was soaking wet. Or that his hair once strawberry-blonde, was now jet black and stuck straight up. And frankly, rubbing his forehead, he thought it was better not to ask.

crack for cain

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