Hi kids!
I'm making a trip to the big city (Milwaukee) today. I'm visiting a couple old friends from college (i graduated in 2008) (so, y'know, they're not that old).
I'm going to tell them (independently, since we won't all three be in the same place at the same time) that I'm trans, and I know they'll both be fine with it, we did know a couple transmen at college, which we all got along well with. So it will most likely just be a personal type surprise, not OMG restructuring my brain trying to compute this!
For some reason I'm still a tiny bit anxious about it though. Perhaps it's just the notion of revealing relatively personal information that I don't really tell anyone.
Maybe it's the idea of actually taking meaningful steps to begin transitioning. I reckon it's a combination of both.
I should go get ready, actually, it is an hour away. Wish me luck!
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