Nov 18, 2012 22:37
I was just wondering how different people experience different aspects of bodily dysphoria: as the presence of something you don't want or the absence of something you do want, or both or neither?
For example, I definitely felt dysphoric about the presence of breasts, rather than the absence of a male chest. Whereas my dysphoria about my general body shape (hips and shoulders etc) is not felt as particularly a presence or an absence, but just wanting it different.
I know that sometimes ignorant people imagine mtf lower surgery as "Getting it chopped off", as if female genitalia is simply the absence of a penis, and this intersects with sexism in that often women are seen as men with missing bits. It's a conversation I've been having with a few people, and I'd like to hear some other views on it.
social issues-miscellaneous,
mental health-body issues/dysphoria