Oct 17, 2010 20:28
I am a long-time user of a forum board, and some time ago, while I was experiencing severe disphoria and was depressed mostly because of pre-menstruation, I posted a very unclear and messy post complaining about my situation (sort of). I was stealth at the time, and didn't explain things properly, so nobody understood.
Afterwards, while I was feeling better I promised an explanation and blamed my idiocy for what I had done, whishing I've had more common sense.
The thing is, I didn't want to out myself there. Some people knew about me, and I didn't consider the rest of them to be bigoted or transphobic, but I was afraid they might feel "betrayed" or something like that, because it already happened in the past.
Finally, yesterday I gathered the courage to write a lengty explanatory post, made it read to a friend in order to see if it was clear, and posted it just before going to sleep.
Today, I postponed checking the replies out of fear of negative reaction (expecially for some individuals, because I knew that they had some adamant and very particular beliefs, and they usually voice this beliefs quite vehemently, so I was afraid I'd have to have an heathed discussion which would leave me drained of energy and optimism).
But when I finally had the balls to read the topic...all the replies were full of sympathy, compliments and reassurances. They all said that it didn't matter, that they didn't think less of me for my situation and for not telling before and some of them even said that they felt moved.
I know it's just a forum on the internet :P but it still felt good to see so many people understanding, and in the end I was glad to have come out to them and to have met such awesome people. It's good to see that people like this do actually exist somewhere!
Just a pleasant story I wanted to share ;) it shows that sometimes we break our heads and get all nervous above nothing.
coming out/disclosing