I have a question concerning the impact of estrogen on weight, but also on fat distribution.
First, concerning weight. Since I went from a 2mg estradiol pill per day from 4mg, my weight has increased a lot (more than 15 kgs). While it might also be because I was less controlling of what I was eating, I thought it probably had some kind of influence.
Some days ago, I decided that enough than enough, and I should lose some weight again. In addition from watching more closely what I eat, I decided to go back to 2mg per day of estradiol. Since that decision, I lost 2 kgs, which seems quite fast.
I don't know if I am imagining that it is the additional 2mg pill that makes me more glutton, if it is some kind of placebo effect, of if you think that estrogen pill can have that impact ? And, well, I have already been on that treatment before (50mg of cyproterone acetate+2mg estradiol per day), but do I risk some side effects if by changing dosage as I did (I know I should have asked a doctor, but my last appointment wasn't really joyful and I'd rather avoid having to talk about that too)
Secondarily, I am curious (or maybe the good term is anxious) about fat repartition. I was really overweight before transitionning, and I have quite a big belly. At the reverse, I am not specially fat where women are supposed to have fat (sorry, I don't know much body parts name in english). I had hoped that HRT would fix that, but after 1,5 year of treatment, I don't find much of a change. And my worries is that by losing weight, I will lose more recent fat and not the fat I had before transition.
Maybe I am not clear, but what I mean is that while I'd like to lose some weight, I'd really prefer to avoid having a fat repartition which looks still more «male» than it does now.
I know I can't choose where I gain or lose fat, but I'd really like to have some advice from trans women who would have gone this way.