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Mar 15, 2009 09:14

Now that I have had an orchiectomy, I have two different courses my HRT could go.

Estradiol and Medroxyprogesterone dosages will stay the same.
I am specifically referring to Spironolactone -- that wonderful diuretic anti-androgen.

I recognize that with removal of the testicles, I've eliminated the Major source of male sexual hormones. But I know that there is still a small amount of testosterone that is produced by other organs within the body.

My doctor for HRT is Dr. Horowitz at Cedar-Sinai in Los Angeles. I pay out of pocket for him (outside of my medical coverage). He is specialized in trans* patients and is extremely well known for this. I still have to talk to him about his distinct recommendations on medication changes, but from previous discussions with him... I am under the impression that Spironolactone is no longer needed AT ALL because the amount of Estradiol in the body will suppress any testosterone production so that it's insignificant in my overall schema.

But I also hear from other sources that a small amount of Spironolactone is still necessary to block out that itty bitty little bit still being produced. In fact, the endocrinologist under my current medical plan that I saw briefly before surgery recommends this.

The major reason I got the surgery was specifically to be able to cut down or completely eliminate Spironolactone. My stamina was so low that I'd get winded going up one flight of stairs. It was uncomfortable basically being dehydrated for the last two+ years.

Dr. Horowitz has explained that even though I have been taking an anti-androgen, the pituitary gland up in the brain still knew that my testicles existed. But once those are removed, and after it gets over it's initial shock, it will start to look for ovaries... and will find those in the shots I am giving myself. This aligns with cases I've heard of some transwomen having growth spurts after surgery. This is the secondary (and more of a "fingers-crossed") reason I got the procedure done.

Technically, my body is still going through puberty. I am afraid of impeding on that puberty by not suppressing additional testosterone production... but still wondering if it's necessary to do. I am almost two and a half years since starting HRT... and my breast development hasn't been exactly spectacular. We'll see how it all goes, but I have a few questions on my mind for those reading this that have personal Orchiectomy experience or have studied it.

1) How old are you?
2) How long have you been on HRT? ..and do you self-administer or do you see a professional for it?
2) After surgery... did you eliminate completely or simply cut down your intake of anti-androgens?
3) After surgery... Did you notice any secondary sex characteristics (breast development, etc.) start to develop more or was progress exactly the same as before?

...and for those that had been on a high dosage of Spironolactone... and completely cut it out after surgery...
4) How long until you started to feel new energy and new stamina and new life (due to cutting Sprio?)

Gosh... I know there are other things I want to ask, but really can't think of any more at the moment.

I know that if I was completely past any sort of physical development stage... I wouldn't care about that little bit of testosterone still being produced. But right now, I do want to hopefully see more physical changes in myself. Thank you for helping me out with your answers!!

oestrogen-dosage, surgery-mtf bottom surgery, androgen blockers-dosage, surgery-orchiectomy, androgen blockers-miscellaneous

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