(no subject)

Nov 09, 2007 18:27

I just sent this to my Democratic Representative:

I am so sick of the people that think they are liberal

Representative Blumenauer

Why has the Democratic party decided that a bill that will give legal protections to Gay/Lesbians and bi people is good but for us that deal with Gender Dysphoria are worthless.  I have followed this issue and see that Dems say they can't included the transgendered because it will offend.

Well saying we are less than equal in this country with a constitution is offensive.  Where is the courage to say ALL Americans are free and protected.  You have more courage to give legal status and protections to immigrants that come to America against the Federal law than you do for Americans that deal daily with Gender identity issues.   Where is the sense in this.  I am not against giving help and access to immigrants, I just wish you could have the common sense to give people that are transgendered the same right that you demand for immigrants.  Is that too much or do you hold us with such disdain that you say we are worse and even more illegal than those that cross our borders in violation of the federal laws.

You give more attention to the rights of people convicted of crimes than you do the transgendered.  Are we so inconsequential to America that we are less than illegal immigrants and criminal?   Yes I live with Gender Dysphoria, Yes I work and yes I pay taxes..... and yes I can be be the victim of discrimination.... I am a Democrat and I just don't know who or what to vote for now.  You and your party are spineless and so wimpy.

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