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Filled - Prom Night 4/5 the_rant_girl March 14 2011, 02:00:52 UTC

They had only stayed at the prom for about an hour, after making their grand entrance, and watching her ex storm off, the novelty of revenge sort of wore off, as did her tolerance for the rest of the students in her class. All that was left to do was rolling up a bunch of food in some napkins and then they were gone. And now she was sitting in the car outside of a 7/11. Dean was buying what she suspected was beer. He’d promised to take her somewhere special. It came as a surprise to her that she didn’t even really mind if somewhere special translated to a motel, but as it turned out it...

“You brought me to a field?” her brow arched, in a are you for real type of way.

“Don’t say it like that. It’s supposed to be romantic.”

Romantic? Were escorts supposed to be romantic....she guessed they were, or well why else would they have them right? But still, “A field?”

“Come here,” and he grabbed her hand, pulling her back over to the car, to him, “Okay, I want you to close your eyes, come on.”

“Okay,” and she did though she felt a little silly, a feeling that only intensified as he pulled her in against him, though that could really just be the bottom of her stomach falling out, her breathing slows, “Look up,” he whispers, and she opens her eyes, the stars coming into sharper focus, and she can’t help but gasp, “It’s beautiful.”

“Not the only thing that is.”

“Was that a line?” she asks, amused.

“Cut me some slack here.”

“Rough night?” tilting her head back onto his shoulder to look at him, she pulls his arms around her waist.

“Not exactly.”

“Then what is it exactly?”

“You’re really hot.”

“I’m sorry it’s such a hardship.”

“Oh there’s something hard, but it’s not a ship.”

“You gonna plough me?” she says in a mock seductive tone, grinding her ass back against his erection.


Dean’s eyes fluttered shut, and he pulled her closer, before her words fully registered, and it was his turn to arch his brow, though he couldn’t keep the dirty grin from his lips, “Seriously?”

“You’re the one who brought me to a field.”

Dean shrugs, “Touché,” walking his fingers along her collar bone, he has the perfect view of her cleavage from this angle, “Do you want me to?”

“You have to seduce me first.”

“It’s your money.”

“It’s my sister’s money.”

“Well then I’m sure she’d want you to get her money’s worth.”

Jessica laughs at that, “Smooth.”

And he chuckles right along with her, he likes her, and for some reason he just can’t hold up any sort of pretence with her, “How about a beer?”

“I would love a beer,” she says it slowly, her voice dripping with honey, and when she breaks from his embrace, turning to face him, he can’t help but just pull her back in, and their lips meet, Dean sucking on her top lip gently, and then the bottom one, tugging with his teeth. Their tongues melt together as they touch, the taste of whiskey mixing with watermelon. Her fingers threading through his hair, make his scalp tingle, his own making quick work of the zip of her dress, the material almost fluttering down to pool at her feet.


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