Title: Recall Revisited
Rating: PG-13
'Verse: Movieverse AU
Warnings: Violence, mention of rape and sex in some chapters
Characters/Pairings: Megtron, droneSam
Summary: A chance meeting with the Lord High Conqueror Megatron leads a drone to remember his human past. In doing so, he triggers a series of events that leave him deciding the fate of his world.
Chapter 10
In which Megatron and Optimus talk, and agree to shield Alpha in all the wrong ways, before someone else enters the field.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8295076/10/Recall-revisited I do not know why, but for some reason fanfiction is not letting this link work if you click on it, and the chapter is too big to post on Livejournal. So if the link above gives you trouble, please copy and paste it and it works fine. Sorry for the inconvenience.