Title: The Ties That Bind Us (Part 3 of 5)
Verse: TFA, Future AU
Rating: PG-13
Part 1,
Part 2Characters/Pairings:Megatron, Blitzwing, Lugnut, Shockwave, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Jazz, Bulkhead, Jetfire, Jetstorm; Blitzwing/Jazz
Word Count: 1,637
Warnings: Implied mpreg, implied slash
Summary: Always connected, but never together. What is it that binds them? Now, with the team of Autobots in his grasp, what chance do they have of remaining unscathed?
Notes: For
odd_stick. This was supposed to be a drabble, but it became a 5 chapter monster.
An unpleasant meeting was sure to come...