Title: Better Left Unsaid
Series: G1
Rating: G
Summary: Set during the beginning of TF:TM. Before leaving for Earth, Prowl decides that some things, logically, are better left unsaid.
Pairing: ProwlxJazz
He's standing in front of Jazz's quarters, staring at the metallic door like he has nothing better to do.
He has things to do before he leaves and having a staring contest with an inanimate object is not one of them.
So, what is he doing?
He's asked himself that question countless times over the last few cycles. He has yet to receive an answer that makes any logical sense.
Prowl shakes his head, forcing himself to finally turn and walk away from a situation that could have meant too much.
Saying goodbye, he decides with a small smirk, is a waste of time.
Title: Worth the Wait
Series: G1
Rating: G
Summary: Companion piece to Better Left Unsaid. Jazz waits for Prowl.
Pairing: JazzxProwl
He stands the nano-click he hears those familiar footsteps approaching his room.
He waits, staring at the door with his fists clenched in anticipation.
He had wanted to go to Prowl earlier, to send him on his way with the best of luck, but he knew better. Prowl would have been too busy to be bothered with such a trivial gesture.
He attempts a step forward to open the door, reminding himself to act cool, but stops mid-step upon hearing Prowl walk away.
Jazz sighs but manages a grin, telling himself it doesn't matter and he'll be the first to greet Prowl when he returns.